Is this bud doomed or just frosty?

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
I would say +rep for a nicely grown bud but I'd have to say -rep for not knowing you had a frosty. Lol jk. Good looking smoke that looks like it was handled roughly is all I see.


Well-Known Member
That's frost, not mold.

For stored bud to start to turn moldy it has to be sealed for a couple weeks. If you are worried about mold then you must think your bud needs to be drier.
Leave the bud out at night and check it every morning. When you get to the point where you are happy with it you can seal her up for a week. Check again after a week
and once a week afterwards. Tossing out moldy bud is expensive and everyone should suffer that fate no more than once.

Good luck, BigSteve.