Is this bud rot or something else?


Active Member
This happened on a branch underneath the main canopy, which is on top of a screen. All the same I cut it off just be sure; it’s not a critical component of this plant. My question: is it bud rot / mold? I’m thinking no because it’s crinkly instead of slimy, but am wondering since it happened overnight. Nearby branches are not similarly afflicted. Thanks. (PS: low was 42 F this AM but no frost)9F47AC95-4828-4A98-B0DB-AA2E58076164.jpeg9F47AC95-4828-4A98-B0DB-AA2E58076164.jpeg


Active Member
Nice. Bad news but at least I know. So, including this one I have four plants close together. I assume this one is history. If the others don’t show signs (I’ll check them in the AM), should I let them finish outdoors or harvest right away? They’re two weeks from ideal harvest but probably at an acceptable stage.
Or, because they’re all in the same grow (about 12 feet long, 3 feet wide), is the whole thing doomed? 50/50 sativa indica hybrids. Thanks.


Active Member
Really do appreciate your help. I’m posting eight picks; two for each plant, one of the canopy and the other of a cola close up. Here’s the plant where I found the mold - so far impacted just the one offshoot mentioned yesterday on this plant.

