Is this bud rot?

Trichomes aren’t fully milky yet. But I’m concerned it’s gonna rot more but had issues but I aggressively culled all the bad looking flowers bin hoping I can save some of this remaining plant
Yeah. It’s been raining a ton here in Toronto. They’ve been under a patio umbrella to keep the rain off. I’m just worried the buds on that plant are rotting
Another vote for not ready….let all the fresh white pistils turn brown and recede, then you can start thinking that it’s close to ripe.
Keep a close eye on any dead or dying leaves….when they die all the way into the bud it can lead to nasty things.
I’ve been really good about cleaning out nasty leaves. This plant is a tight mess and I didn’t know better to defoliate it earlier. I was too dazzled by all the nodes. I didn’t realize that would lead to so many issues for this particular plant (Blue Wizard). When the ‘chomes get a hint of amber, I’m gonna chop