Is this bud?


Active Member
What up my fellow tokers...I need some help from yall pro's. Me and the bride threw a couple of bag seeds into some dirt and this is what came up. They are both about 10 inches tall. Is that bud growin on the one, and does that mean that the other is a male? Any help or advise would be appreciated.
Thanks guys



cant really tell from the pics man but you have something to compare it to when it start to show sex,
when it does it will either putt out hairs like the other one, or u will see little balls coming out of
it. hope it helps man


Well-Known Member
That plant on the right is a female that is flowering. Very tiny and still has a long way to go. You might want to make sure it has good light and fed a little.


Well-Known Member
change the light periods to 18 hrs on, 6 off...

that will make it veg again. (veg meaning growing, not flowering)


Well-Known Member
That one is definitely a female, and that is definitely a bud on top. Congrats. Though it may only be a single joint, it's your home grown single joint. Given that the other isn't showing bud development, I would call it a male and pluck it. I can't see from your pictures, but chances are, there are little balls on it. If they pop, they pop the female's cherry (which = seeds).

To answer your question, it's budding because cannabis plants contain a pigment known as phytochrome that sense changes in the seasons via the amount of light the plant receives. The exact numbers are a little fuzzy, but 18+ hours of light will keep the plant in vegetative phase, and <12 hours will trigger its flowering phase. I'm going to guess that you have your plant just sitting in the window, growing off the sun's rays?
