Is this buds forming or just new leaves?


Well-Known Member
Showing my inexperience here :) The light green at the top of the plant.. Is this buds forming or just more leaves? May be hard to tell from the pic. This is an autofem around 21 days old..


Cereal box

Active Member
Really hard to tell. Looks like you may have a ph imbalance though. You should figure out the ph of your water to fix that.


Well-Known Member
I don't see any buds forming. But the yellowing in the middle is indicative of an issue. Do research, but don't act until you are certain. There are 20 people who will give you 20 different answers.


Well-Known Member
Ught ohh... :) Hmmm.. I have been adjusting my ph when I water and add nutes.. Maybe I over did it with nutes. I hit her with GH veg twice this week. I think I'll give her a flush and see how it goes.. Thx, I'll keep an eye on her.


Well-Known Member
I'm so glad you guys noticed that.. I think I was lowering my PH too much. I just have a chemical test kit right now.. I was dropping the ph until the test media was yellow.. Examining the chart a little better it should be in the green. I was adjusting to around 6.0. I flushed with properly ph'd water. This should fix it I hope.. On Monday I'll get a good digital.. thx

Cereal box

Active Member
No problem man. I've never had a ph problem so I wasn't 100% sure, but I'm glad it helped! Never hurts to throw ideas out there!


Well-Known Member
I think I'll get some fast acting dolomite lime while I'm at the hydro store and sprinkle it on my soil before the next watering.. This is supposed to help balance PH.


Well-Known Member
Could be a lack of calcium lowering pH thus locking out iron.

Could be a sulfur deficiency. Rare though.

Raise the ph with a little dolomite lime. If problem persists use Epsom salt to boost sulfur.

Not nitrogen.