is this cannabis or hemp


Active Member
IS this really what i need to grow or is it just some ordinary plant pls pls tell me i have been taking good care of it and now i am douting it.

I got these VERY cheap so i must question this.
There is a story behind theses seed that make me question them pls tell me if this is hemp cannabis marijuana.

U must undersatand that im the ultreh noob.





hemp is cannabis
"marijuana" is slang made popular by people who think its an evil drug

no one can tell by the pic of a sprout for sure that it will get you stoned
but to me it looks indicaish fwiw
either that or you're using a looks of red light

btw., does your soil have any drainage?
enough perlite will ensure drainage


Active Member
Ty for replying i apreceate it.

i posted another pic if u can tell me if it is or if u think it is hemp pls tell me and if u think it is not tell me to .

i will take care ogf getting perlite the problem is wewre i get it and what is it
and were i put it do i mix it wit the soil or just put it over it


Well-Known Member
dude its all the same it will have buds ect. hemp is part of the plant that they make clothese ect out of. let is grow. are you using a mh light?


Active Member
Im soo noob i put seeds in cup of water wene they craked open and white thing came out i sprinkled them on soil mixed with peat. then wene they sprouted i put them on window sill for sunlight . and they grew fast

I went to buy them some light but he came wit all these blu neon lights he said they are for plants and he showed me a large powerfull bulb i dont know what to ask for i said "flourosecnt lamp" he shows me alot of flourosent stuff.
MH i dont know what it is i need to know what i needs to ask for and how much i need to water them. and is sunlight as good as mh light or flouro light.

I really apreceate u helping me and sorry i havent replied b4.

P.S is this the cannabis plant or just some other plant / i know they are all called the same now. i am asking is it some other no good for nothin plant or can i smoke this wene it grows

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
Well it all starts from the seed. If you have some bs seeds then you know what to expect. I always thought hemp was low grade with little to no thc. That is the only difference that I know of.


Active Member
I was wondering about these plants, if anyone could identify them that would be awesome.

I found these growing on a rocky outcrop along a gorge area near where I live,


Active Member
yep, i had my doubts- looks like i guessed correct

i just wanted to give it a shot- thanks for the clear up


Well-Known Member
thats a cousin of the bud we smoke its was used to make ropes, clothes and shit back in the day it has little or no thc, you find alot of that stuff growing in the woods in my area


LOL.. would suck to mistakenly get sold a bag of ditch weed for your new grow. i wonder what are the potentials in crossing it with true marijuana strains, and producing some interesting new buds.. ditchweed kinda look like a strain i once seen called dr. grinspoon. high thc content