Is this caterpillar damage? Can it be treated with AzaMax


New Member
5 females. All effected. parts of buds start to rot. Im in NorthCali by sacramento. only been one 16 hours long hard rainy day. Started noticing the damage about a week before the rain 2 days ago. after the rain pulled off 7 caterpillars.
Is AzaMax safe to soak my buds in to rid of them? i want to fully soak the buds to repel caterpillars.
more info on plants. grown from seeds, all high quality, nutrienets were Roots Organics: buddha grow, buddha bloom, and HPK. foilage sprayed with azamax once a week.
Most plants are 1-2 weeks away from harvest.



was reading a post before with simular damage, you need to cut the rot off, and treat with Azamax, before it spreads more.... another guy had to cut his as it will start to spread, you will get more detailed answer, when more people on, but deffo needs to cut the rotting sites.. :) also any chance u could check my thread and let me know if mine are okay just started them off :)


​Information From Users Regarding Simular Problem..... :)

hey no.... it could and looks like bud rot, need to get rid of quickly, info I read is cut 1" below infected area and remove carefully as to not spread that crap around, look and see if u find bud worms

^^^yeah. Use Tanglefoot Tree Sealer to paint the wound. It will help to prevent the issue from spreading, if it is mold (botrytis, though it does look like worm damage). Either way, seal the wound. Cut it out with a razor blade to ensure it is a clean cut. Spraying Excel or Green Cure would be a decent idea. Follow that with a spray of Actinovate 4 days later. That regimen will (ideally) kill the existing mold, and prevent a future outbreak. Tis the season for mold, so get on it now.


Well-Known Member
Don't spray Azamax on your buds... BAD idea. Have you ever smelled that stuff? Hydrogen peroxide or Green Cure (potassium bicarbonate) would be a much better idea.