is this colour normal?

The best way is to decarb the product first, then use 2 pots, one with water, and infuse the oil while keeping the temps at the perfect range. I use a laser thermometer gun and don't let it get over like 160 degrees. That way you can simmer it a bit longer, getting the strongest infusion, without actually cooking it.

I used to skip the decarboxylation process, and just simmer it right on the stove, not worried about any temps or anything, but when I started doing it right, it sure payed off!

Even if you didn't do all that, your pic looks good. That's how it always looks when I make it.
The 2 pots is so you can regulate the temps a little better, and not overheat the oil. The one with the oil just floats in the other, while on the stove top, BTW. Just gotta be careful not to spill anything, and choose the right pots that will go together well.
When I'm done straining through whatever coffee filters are laying around, I squeeze all the wadded up ones in my hands real tight and get every last drop that is left into a separate container usually, and reheat while adding bees wax and eucalyptus type oils, etc. I make that into a topical pain salve, because it always gets contaminated with plant materials by squeezing so hard. It sinks though so no big deal, for when making edible oil, but I like making the cremes anyway and use that for my excuse.

That's my process, pretty simple!
5g decarb.(130c 25mins) color was brown. i mix it with 100ml coconut oil and put it on the fire.(55-73c 3.5hours) i filtered it and put it in cup.
i have materials that measure temperature
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I decarb first then put my bud and oil in a Mason jar, then put the Mason jar in boiling water for 2 hrs. My oil come out even a bit darker than that. I tried it without decarb and it xane out lighter colored and not as potent
I wouldn't say its more potent because it is darker, but possibly because the darker stuff has more plant material, and wasn't strained through as fine of a mesh.. In my experience anyway..