Is this due to excessive heat or is it a nutrient deficiency?


This is my bag seed that is 13 days from seed.
It's in a 4" Jiffy pots with a Miracle Grow Seed Starting Soil with Perlite and Vermeculite mixed in.
The tent was usually between 77 - 81 Degrees.
My plant was doing great until yesterday when i came home from work to check it and my bf told me that he had closed the window so the tent temp was at 92 F for who knows how long.
Today when i checked on it it was all withered up. I watered her and she came right back up. I noticed now that she has curled up leaf tips and some yellow parts.
Is this because of the heat exhaustion?
It's under a 600W HPS Lamp at 50%


Active Member
Its heat and nute burn. Seedlings don't need any nutes when they first start especially from any miracle grow products!


Its heat and nute burn. Seedlings don't need any nutes when they first start especially from any miracle grow products!
I havent fed it any nutes. So i guess maybe the lights are too close.. they are approx 1.5ft away from the plants.
Will the leaves heal up again?


Well-Known Member
MG seed starter has nutes IN it. Is slow release really is not slow enough for what you are growing but it looks as though it will make it. No the burn marks wont HEAL but you will have new growth in no time if she can stay away from 90+ temps.


Well-Known Member
IMO you might not want to flush it as the more you water it the more nutes you release. So, just the natural progression of growth should get you buy as the seedling gets used to the soil.
Ok i set the lights to the lowest level and ill try flushing it as well. Thanks :)

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
those buds look like shit, barely any density! point proven MG sucks!
MG is not the best choice but grows MJ just fine. Its not the soil that sucks its the weak skills of new growers like yourself that sucks.

from Tyler, Washington

I absolutely love Miracle Gro Seed Starting soil. I searched a long time for something that I considered ideal for starting seeds indoors in my green house. This is IT! The extra fine texture of the soil, in combination with a completely balanced nutrient count, make this the best seed starting medium bar none.
Nitrogen levels are low enough to keep from burning newly emerging seeds. I've easily started some of the most difficult of seeds as much as 10 weeks in advance of the outdoor growing season without having to use additional fertilizer once!
While I'm not all that keen on other Miracle Grow products, (a lot of it is advertising hype) this is one product that I will never do without!...



Well-Known Member
those buds look like shit, barely any density! point proven MG sucks!
first of all the pic quality is not even good enough to tell how dense the buds are so thats a assumtion your making....

wait a second here, when have you seen my grows for you to judge my stuff? you little prick take that magic school bus and shove it up your ass!

MG = Poor People
no one needs to see your grow to know your a hot headed kid (or extremely immature adult). and hell while were all just assuming things we might as well assume that you probabally cant even grow a beard nevermind a mj plant.

to the OP, yes your problem is probabally due to the fluxuation in temps, like someone else said earlier...try and steady out them temps and new growth will be on its way. as someone else said flushing is just going to cause more problems as it will just release unwanted nutrients...leave em be and let the soil dry out ALMOST all the way before watering again.

MG soil is not a "poor persons" soil....its just as expensive as most other brands.

theres a few things to consider when using MG soil

1: it has time release nutrients, if your the kind of person who wants to water the plant everyday then MG soil is prob not for you. watering constantly releases excess nitrogen and ends up burning young plants.
2: MG soil is a "all purpose" potting mix so the PH of this soil may not be ideal for MJ plants.....keep this in mind and make sure to ammend if necessary after testing the soil PH.

i have seen many people on these boards grow great plants with MG soil so to say it isnt a good soil is just plain ignorance....its a touchy soil that requires some skill to grow in as you have to understand how the soil and nutrients in the soil work with waterings. so its not the soil that sucks its the ignorant growers that suck and obviously have not done thier research before starting a grow.

this person comes to these boards to get some help and has to deal with you bickering morons (namely you kr4x) who seem to think they know everything but dont have a clue as to what they are talking about....leave the advice giving for people who have advice to give and take your nonsense somewhere else.


Well-Known Member
Its heat and nute burn. Seedlings don't need any nutes when they first start especially from any miracle grow products!
terrible advice, almost completly useless to the OP, its most likely not nute burn as MG seedling starter has next to nothing in N content

And remember kids, say no to miracle grow! :)
and remember kids, go to school and dont grow pot in your moms house....


Well-Known Member
Cant believe you have that single tiny plant under a blazing 600watter. What a waste of power. Too much light and ordinary soil.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Miracle Gro Seed Starting soil has seen excellent results for many growers and from what I have read on here it#s great for budding also.


Well-Known Member
also get that plant transplanted into a bigger container, you can plant the jiffy pot right in the soil. them jiffy pots are notorious for drying out extremely fast leaving a greater chance for dehydration...


Cant believe you have that single tiny plant under a blazing 600watter. What a waste of power. Too much light and ordinary soil.
Don't assume. It's not just ONE plant.

Alright. I'm confused. Too much mixed info and people contradicting eachother..

Also Geez.. Not this again.. This wasn't about MG. I'm only using MG seed starting because that's what i had to work with at the moment. I personally, don't think there's anything wrong with using MG seed starter for seedlings. If you all MUST know, i will be transplanting to FF when time comes.

So, i've just regulated the temps like some of you guys said and i will raise the lights higher.
I'm not a pro, but i really don't think this has anything to do with nute burn.. There are just trace amounts of nutes in MG seed starter so i don't think that flushing will help. I don't think they need anything special at the moment except for the basics.
I've got other plants in there, and this one is the only one that was affected. It did happen a day after i lowered the lights and bf messed with my ventilation so the tent was at 92 for a few hours.

Growth has been stunted for about two days now, but i hope that now that temps are regulated and it's done recovering that it will start to take off again.
:< Fingers crossed.
Thanks guys, i really appreciate the input.


Well-Known Member
yes i realize your question wasnt about miracle grow...i was directing alot of my comment to the people who were flamming miracle grow as i feel theres nothing wrong with it if you use it correctly.

i have my 600w light as high as it can go in my tent, i also have it dimmed to 75% with a 400w MH in it. i dont get why people say to have the light as close as possible but in my opinion thats just asking for issues. i understand a single CFL puts off the most light at verry close range but it also puts off the most ambient heat (i know yournot using CFL)

anyways, i still feel that transplanting them jiffy pots into your second stage container will be of benifit. you wont have to worry about watering them or about them drying out. i have used them in the past and have had nothing but bad luck. your call obviously thats just my 2¢

do you plan on journaling your grow at all or just here looking for some quick advice? if your going to journal i would like to follow along.
