Is this due to excessive heat or is it a nutrient deficiency?


yes i realize your question wasnt about miracle grow...i was directing alot of my comment to the people who were flamming miracle grow as i feel theres nothing wrong with it if you use it correctly.

i have my 600w light as high as it can go in my tent, i also have it dimmed to 75% with a 400w MH in it. i dont get why people say to have the light as close as possible but in my opinion thats just asking for issues. i understand a single CFL puts off the most light at verry close range but it also puts off the most ambient heat (i know yournot using CFL)

anyways, i still feel that transplanting them jiffy pots into your second stage container will be of benifit. you wont have to worry about watering them or about them drying out. i have used them in the past and have had nothing but bad luck. your call obviously thats just my 2¢

do you plan on journaling your grow at all or just here looking for some quick advice? if your going to journal i would like to follow along.

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I don't plan on journaling because i don't know if ill have time or would want to put the effort into journaling.
I have been somewhat documenting what has been going on in a calendar.

I got into this whole mess because i caved into the "lower your lights" thing. LOL It's ok though, I've now learned from my mistakes. Don't think that applies when you have 600w HPS in a little tent hah.
I was planning on waiting till it got a bit bigger to put it into their final pots (3 gal pots) but this specific plant is a bagseed so i have no idea if it will turn out to be a female... i dont want to waste all that soil for it to turn around and become a male ;-; but oh well there are risks you just have to take i suppose.



Well-Known Member
yeah i know the feeling. the ole timer who houses my grow like to plant random seeds and leave it up to me to tend to them and im really reluctant to waste good soil on them but it makes him happy.

also from what i understand you can re use your soil. just put some good ole espoma garden tone and some garden lime back into it and presto good to go soil. can also ammend with other organic goodies (if your growing organic) and the roots left behind will break down into nutrients for the next plant too!!..

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
And remember kids, say no to miracle grow! :)
Mainly because they're owned by one of the most evil corporations in the free world -- Scotts, aka Monsanto..
(NaturalNews) By now, nearly all informed people recognize that Monsanto is widely regarded as the most evil corporation on our planet. But what, exactly, makes Monsanto so evil? Why is Monsanto worse than a pharmaceutical company, a pesticide company or even a weapons manufacturer?

The answer to this question is found in probing the virtue of the corporation in question. As virtuous people, we expect corporations to act with a sense of fundamental human decency. We expect them to behave within the boundaries of respecting human life, honest business practices and reliable science. We (naively) wish that corporations would act like decent human beings.

But they don't. In their quest for profit at any cost, they violate the basic tenets of virtue. They betray humanity. They destroy life. They malign Mother Nature herself, and in doing so, they threaten the very future of sustainable life on our planet.

Here, I unravel the fundamental "violations of virtue" that Monsanto practices on a daily basis. It is these things, I think you'll agree, that make Monsanto a despicable corporate entity and a threat to all humankind.

[h=1]Corporate greed over service to humanity[/h]Monsanto's actions are designed to maximize its corporate profits, not to serve the people. Its entire seed-and-herbicide business model is designed to trap farmers in a system of economic dependence... to turn farmers into indentured servants who can never return to traditional farming after their soil has been destroyed with Roundup.

[h=1]Death over life[/h]Monsanto's products cause death. They compromise and violate life. Monsanto's GM corn grown a toxic chemical right inside each and every corn kernel. This corn is what is subsequently eaten by humans.

Rats fed this corn grew horrifying cancer tumors as shown here:

In a recent scientific study, a shocking 70 percent of female rats died prematurely when fed GMOs. Fifty percent of males died early. Almost all of them died from cancer tumors.

Read more about the link between GMOs and cancer tumors at:

[h=1]Secrecy over transparency[/h]Monsanto is spending millions of dollars to try to defeat Proposition 37 in California -- a bill which would simply require GMOs to be indicated on food labels.

But Monsanto and other companies such as those that own Larabar, Silk and Kashi do not want consumers to know the truth about GMOs in the foods they buy. (See the GMO boycott infographic here.) They're also spending huge sums of money to try to defeat Proposition 37 so that the food companies can keep GMOs a dirty little secret about the poison in your food.

Plainly stated, these companies do not want you to know what you're eating. And why? Because you're eating poison!

[h=1]Domination of technology rather than sharing of wisdom[/h]Monsanto does not create technology and then share wisdom with farmers; instead the company patents its GE seeds and thereby claims monopolistic ownership over them. This patent is used to punish farmers!

When Monsanto's GMO seeds blow into the fields of farmers who are trying to avoid growing GMOs, Monsanto uses its patent "rights" to sue the farmers and claim they "stole" Monsanto property!

This is an example of the kind of pure evil Monsanto engages in on a regular basis. From the top company executives to the bottom of the corporate ladder, people who work for Monsanto are engaged in promoting a sickening, unprecedented evil that's spreading across our planet like a black slimy cancer tumor.

That's no coincidence, either, considering that eating GMOs causes massive cancer tumors.

[h=1]Artificial manipulation of nature rather than honoring of nature[/h]Instead of working with the beauty, the genius and the abundance that has already been engineered into nature, Monsanto seeks to violate nature, overriding healthy plant genes with poison genes that generate insecticides right inside the crops.

Instead of honoring the natural ability of seeds to reproduce generation after generation, Monsanto develops "terminator seed" technology that causes seeds to self-terminate after one generation. This, by itself, is a heinous crime against nature, humankind and planet Earth. It is a crime worse than the Nazi holocaust, for terminator seeds threaten ALL human life on our planet... billions of lives are threatened by the behavior of Monsanto.

[h=1]Environmental destruction over environmental stewardship[/h]Roundup herbicide devastates soils, rendering them contaminated and unable to produce healthy crops using traditional (or organic) farming methods. Once a farm plot is destroyed with Roundup, that farmer is forever enslaved to a chemical-based farming protocol. It's unhealthy, it's a disaster to the environment, and the actual crop yields are LOWER than with organic farming, over a period of five years or more.

By encouraging farmers to spray literally millions of acres of farmland with Roundup, Monsanto is engaged in a conspiracy to destroy our agricultural heritage and turn us all into "food slaves" that must pay tribute to Monsatan.

[h=1]Scientific deception over scientific truth[/h]The so-called "science" coming out of Monsanto is some of the most inane, malicious and brutally deceptive junk science ever fabricated by corporate science sellouts. Instead of testing GMOs for long durations on animals, Monsanto-funded scientists test GMOs for a mere 90 days and then adamantly declare the food to be "safe" for a lifetime of consumption by humans.

It's no wonder they didn't run long-term tests: The real acceleration in cancer tumors only emerged after the 90-day milestone in rats.

Even if Monsanto-funded scientists found GMOs to be safe in a "lifetime" feeding study, you couldn't trust those results anyway: Any scientist, politician or media group with financial ties to Monsanto must now be assumed to be compromised and lacking any credibility whatsoever. Monsanto has bought off countless scientists, experts, media writers and politicians. But paying them off doesn't alter reality. Poison in the corn is still poison in the corn, even if you pay a group of sellout scientists to foolishly declare otherwise.

[h=1]The CHANGE we really need: Corporations with virtue[/h]Something is terribly, terribly wrong with corporate behavior in America, and Monsanto is just one of thousands of corporations which demonstrate highly irresponsible, extreme, destructive behavior.

The very design of corporations is missing something: HUMANITY. Sure, corporations are great at generating profits, streamlining logistics, manufacturing, marketing and so on. But where's the humanity in all that?

It's nowhere to be found. Corporations don't care WHO they harm, WHAT they destroy, HOW they behavior or even HOW FAR they have to go to make another buck.

Here at, we've documented corporations engaging in the most despicable, anti-human behavior imaginable, including using little children as vaccine guinea pigs, secretly testing diseases on prisoners, routinely falsifying evidence, bribing physicians, lying to regulators, engaging in efforts to deny consumers access to more affordable products, inventing fictitious diseases ("disease mongering") to market toxic drugs, and even hiring P.R. firms to spread lies and disinformation online through social networks and websites.

And that's just the pharmaceutical industry. Think about the evils perpetrated by the agricultural giants, weapons manufacturers and globalist banks. There is no end to their destruction.

A corporation is like a cancer tumor. It wants to tap into more and more resources, growing larger and larger until it kills everything. That's the innate drive of nearly every large corporation you've ever heard of: Get big, destroy the competition and DOMINATE! Even if it means killing our future.

When corporations become so powerful that they practically run the government -- as they do now -- the correct descriptive term for that arrangement is Fascism.

How do you stop Fascism? With a revolution, of course. And a peaceful one would be far preferable.

[h=1]The revolution we need is a revolution against the corporation[/h]As we see our present-day society being utterly destroyed by corporations -- banking, agriculture, pharmaceutical, etc. -- we must get serious about what needs to happen to change the structure of corporations so that they serve humanity rather than destroying humanity.

Here are some suggestions worth considering:

#1) Strip away corporate personhood protections.

#2) Deny all patents on seeds, genes and medicines. Such things should belong to everyone, not to a monopolistic few. This would also take the profit out of medicine, meaning drug companies would no longer have a financial incentive to fabricate and promote fictitious diseases.

#3) Ban all corporate lobbying and campaign contributions. No corporation should have access to lawmakers, period. Lawmakers should serve the people who elected them and no one else.

#4) Disband all corporations that currently function as a danger to humanity. This would include, of course, Monsanto, Merck and many others. Who decides this? Whoever wins the revolution, of course. (Isn't that always the case?)

#5) Nationalize the Federal Reserve and make it "America's bank" so that Fed money is owned by the People and benefits the People instead of globalist banks.

#6) Halt the "revolving door" where government regulators take high-paying jobs at the very corporations they've been regulating. Once a person works in an influential position for a government regulator, they should be forever restricted from working for the industry they once regulated.

#7) End "Free Speech rights" for corporations. Corporations are not people. They have no God-given rights. By ending this fabricated "right," we could institute strict advertising limits that would prevent corporations from advertising harmful products to children and adults.

[h=1]Stop supporting evil[/h]The ultimate solution, of course, is a consumer solution: Stop purchasing products from evil corporations! This means you need to stop buying non-organic corn products such as breakfast cereals, corn tortillas, and corn snack chips.

Stop buying lawn pesticide chemicals. Stop buying medications. Stop buying toxic perfumes, cosmetics and personal care products. Stop buying soda pop and aspartame!

YOU help shift the world in a more positive direction by shifting your own personal purchasing habits. And that's something you can control right now, today, starting with the very next dollar you spend at the store.

BUY ORGANIC, non-GMO products wherever possible. You'll be changing the world one purchase at a time. That's a genuine, practical way to diminish the power of evil corporations starting right now.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Poisoning bird seed that you sell to bird lovers isn’t the brightest of ideas. Scott’s Miracle Gro, exclusive distributor of Monsanto’s RoundUp, is proposing donating $500,000 to support wildlife conservation and study in addition to paying a $4 million dollar fine for using unapproved insecticides in bird seed sold nationally for two years, the judge will be considering that in their guilty plea as he decides on the repercussions for their actions. The government alleges that beginning in 2005, Scotts produced a line of wild bird food products under names including “Morning Song” and “Country Pride” that contained insecticides. According to court records, Scotts sold a whopping 73 million packages of bird seed in 2008 that were treated with Storcide II and Actellic 5E, intended to prevent insects from destroying the feed. This was done despite being warned by one of their own chemists and orinthologists that there were toxicity issues. Storcide II is labeled as “Toxic to birds. Toxic to wildlife,” and that “Exposed treated seed may be hazardous to birds.” No such warning exists on the Actellic 5E label. Despite this, Scotts continued to sell their improperly treated seeds for two more years.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s own fact sheet on pirimiphos-mehtyl states that “Ecological risks are not of concern to the Agency.” Yet the same fact sheet also states “Although pirimphos-methyl is highly toxic to birds and fish, these risks are not of concern based on the use pattern of pirimiphos-methyl.”
This would seem to indicate that the EPA did not anticipate this chemical to be used on anything intentionally fed to birds, said the nonprofit American Bird Conservancy.
“EPA needs to amend the use label for Actellic 5E and any other pesticide containing the same active ingredient, pirimiphos-methyl, to agree with their own fact sheet, and ensure that no other birds are poisoned by seed dosed with this toxic chemical,” said American Bird Conservancy President George Fenwick.
“This highlights a key problem that it is the pesticide registrant that writes the labels on pesticides, not EPA,” Fenwick said. “In some cases, it would seem that EPA is not effectively checking that the labels encompass the agency’s responsibilities for birds.”
Scotts has been charged repeatedly by the EPA for inappropriate use of pesticides, lying, and making false claims the EPA refused to sell pesticides.


Well-Known Member
Mainly because they're owned by one of the most evil corporations in the free world -- Scotts, aka Monsanto..
That guy is an idiot. Merck is not some "evil" company. Although there once was a higher cancer rate among workers due to chemical exposure, and dumping of chemical into rivers took place, EVERY other chemical manufacturer in that era did the same. That was protocol back then and now with new information, it no longer is...
But hey, maybe he's right, lets ban or take apart the only company in the world with an active aids treatment medicine and an aids cure in the 4th stage of fda approval.
Just because someone can sound smart when writing, does not make what they are writing factual whatsoever.


Well-Known Member
i have owned rats as pets and have had maybe 15-20 of them in my lifetime, they are actually great pets for kids because they can be handled and once tamed dont bite...unlike your not so friendly hamster or gerbil...anyways i never fed any of my rats GMO's that i knew about and about 70% of them developed large tumors...

my point here is that rats are genetically at risk for developing tumors and if your going to do a "scientific study" on the effects of something use a rodent who isnt pre disposed to give you the results your looking for.


Active Member
This is my bag seed that is 13 days from seed.
It's in a 4" Jiffy pots with a Miracle Grow Seed Starting Soil with Perlite and Vermeculite mixed in.
The tent was usually between 77 - 81 Degrees.
My plant was doing great until yesterday when i came home from work to check it and my bf told me that he had closed the window so the tent temp was at 92 F for who knows how long.
Today when i checked on it it was all withered up. I watered her and she came right back up. I noticed now that she has curled up leaf tips and some yellow parts.
Is this because of the heat exhaustion?
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It's under a 600W HPS Lamp at 50%
I know you have likely solved the issue completely by now but I like puzzles and solutions.

If it's just one small plant possibly using a 6500K CFL (23watt or more) would be a better solution to get them vegged up nicely.
Will save you some serious cash on electricity and much less heat issues.

If not, raise the lights and get better airflow over the plant should work quite well.