Is this enough?? I hope.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I wanted to know if this would be good enough to start like 5 seedlings, then end up hopefully have one or two females?? this is my setup. The box is probably about three feet high and same wide.


Guerilla Grower

Active Member
it will be good to start but maybe not finish depending on light put out by the cfls
find out how many lumens you got on the bulbs depending on that you might be able to flower small buds.

another tip keep the lights low to the plant all ways not touching but close you dont want to start with the lights hanging from the top and sprouts at bottom it will cause them to stretch and will sacrifice valuable growing space
hang lights low or raise up pots with sometin

if you are looking foreward to good stuff make sure you get some high quality cfls in there


Well-Known Member
It's more than most people to start with. I had just a fine time hanging 3 lights over 2 party cups... So, for 5 seedlings I am more than sure what you have drawn will be enough. Keep them less than 1" from the foliage.


Well-Known Member
Well, as I was saying I started mine at (3)26w lights for 2 seedlings...

Then I moved to (5)26w lights on day 10.

On day 16 (today) I added one 23w.

Basically 3 lights per plant.

78 watts per plant so far for me. I plan on adding more of course, when the time comes.

Check out my journal (in my sig).. Its damn easy to read what's going on and how far into the grow.


Well-Known Member
I went out today and bought like 8 plug in light sockets and i bought two double light socket things. o i should have a decent amount of light for now. hopefully in awhile ill have some money to buy a good light. I hope. btw the debate right now is kind of rediculous. We're Fucked.