Is this enough light


Active Member
ive read a lot of stuff about growing pot and feel i have a pretty good hold on what needs to be done for good growth and what not. the thing is im not the most wealthy person and i cant buy these expensive 1000 watt bulbs let alown more cfl's. so my question is really, do i have enough light. i have 4 fluo tubes (4') on 4 plants. i have some other lights for side lighting but is this good enough. im geting some pretty good growth im just worried about when i flower for flower density and crystal count and such. do you feel this should be enough light? feedback=+rep and lots of appreatiation.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I know it's rough on a tight budget, but I'm sorry to say, those lights will not get you much of a harvest. Small, loose buds is what they will produce.
what you described isnt bag for vegging. thats wat my veg room look 4 tubes and some others i put around them. flowering, unfortunately is a whole nother story. you need 10,000 lumens per square foot to recreate the suns light. they say minimum is 3,000 lumens per sq/ft. im probly on just as tight of a budget i understand man haha. the best thing is to have two different areas for grow. 1 for veg and 1 for flowering. my flowering room isnt set up yet. but if this helps compare it to the size of your space. my space is 4 foor long 4 foot highand 2 feet wide. thats 8 square feet. thanks to many on this site, i decided my set up would be 8 to 10 cfl's, 42w. id recomend doing just a lttle more reading. i think this guy is a pot god lol. Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial - Marijuana Growing check this out and show him some rep. pages 7 and 8 will be extrememly helpful to you. good luck man.

Illegal Smile

I think you are ok for veg but you should add cfls in the 2700k spectrum for flower. The cheapest way to do that is probably 42w or maybe 23w if you find them cheap. You can put two of them in a clamp reflector with a Y adapter and it makes good sidelight. It will pay for itself many many times over!


Well-Known Member
i went to lowes, bought two work bench fixtures (like 4 feet long) that will hold two florescent bulbs (4 bulbs), a timer, and a few bulbs

cost me under 40 bucks


Active Member
Thanks for the help guys what i might end up doing is building a flowering grow box because i have 2 150w hps bulbs but no money for the ballast! lol