Is this even possible? 650w Meijiu Bar Light. 3.0 umol/J. LM301H and Osram. 1950 PPFD!!!!

I have two Meijiu Majo bar lights over a 9 x 5. Total of 20 bars for 1600 watts. Overkill really.

4 drivers total. Advertised 800 watts each and checked at the wall to be 800.

3000k with added 660nm, etc.

Awesome lights and excellent for flower.

Have the newer MJ-650 in a 4x4. In 3500k with the 660’s. Very solid build.

Advertised as 650watts and confirmed at the wall.

I’ve run other boards and won’t go back from these bar lights.

Definitely recommend.

And as far as efficiency, these lights are much more so than older styles. Many more LED’s distributing the wattage.
Question: Do you think 35w/sqft in your 9x5 is overkill? I thought 35ish to mid 40's was the target mark for LED's.
I know a guy personally who pulls at least 2.5 a light with the Gavita 1700e in coco. Ive seen multiple ppl on these forums and other sites claiming to hit 3+ per light with Gavita Leds or LEDs that put around as much light as it.

Im going for 3 with these Meijiu 650s I ordered. Ill have a few test runs with it in a 4x8 and see how the yield and quality fair against 1kw DE HPS in a side by side.
Are you gonna post a grow journal about this grow with the new lights?
could they be rating it at 1a max due to cheap china connectors or cheap pcb material? it doesnt seem correct to me either
Do you have an Alibaba link or is this what Rita told you?

Are you still looking at the Folux 240 watt kits or are these individual boards? If the 48 volt boards were really 1 amp maximum, Meijiu would have to include 5 boards per 240 watt kit.
Do you have an Alibaba link or is this what Rita told you?

Are you still looking at the Folux 240 watt kits or are these individual boards? If the 48 volt boards were really 1 amp maximum, Meijiu would have to include 5 boards per 240 watt kit.

Ya, im still looking at the folux 240w kits. they are super cheap for the wattage and diodes. i can outfit my whole grow at 40w/sqft and custom 90cri 301b diodes for 6600 bucks

its just what Rita told me, which now i believe she might not know the specifics. theres no way they have 2x 288 boards on an HLG 48v driver and the board has a 1a max lol. although i will be getting mine with ELG or XLG drivers not HLG so i can utilize 0-10v dim to off and a controller.

I hope you won't kick me for this question :lol:
I order a Meijiu-A8 650w (with 256 diodes on bar) and cannot decide which spectrum to choose. They have 3000k with 4000k + red and 3000k + red. Help me choose for a full cycle, my head will explode soon from this alibaba ...
Have you tried unhooking the dimmer then testing the lights? Seriously that dimmer is junk. I can’t believe they are still giving those out. I complained about them to Rita 2 years ago.

hi bk78
when you got rid of those dimmer boxes what did you use to replace them please, I ask as ive just ordered some leds form rita and they are coming with those dimmer boxes I believe.