Is this for real??? Fox News for Legalization?


Well-Known Member
So I was just scanning the tube when I saw that fox news, the most anti-pot news channel, had a panel of five fairly conservative peeps on and ALL of them thought it should be legalized! 2 even thought that it shouldn't even be taxed unless you sell it!!! What can stand in our way now??? Oh yea... politicians:wall:


Active Member
I saw this segment as well and was supprised too. I've noticed lately that Fox news in general has really lightened up on the legalization of it. I'm not a huge news watcher anyhow, but I do watch Fox news from time to time. I prefer it over the other major networks as my political views seem to lean towards stereotypical Republican.

I think now that the facts are coming out and the economy is in the dumps, this can only help the MJ scene. Everyones eyes and ears open up when money is involved.


Well-Known Member
ya - they will go with whatever is popular - if republicans decided the earth was doughnut shaped - we would hear some heated debates over it....
I saw this segment as well and was supprised too. I've noticed lately that Fox news in general has really lightened up on the legalization of it. I'm not a huge news watcher anyhow, but I do watch Fox news from time to time. I prefer it over the other major networks as my political views seem to lean towards stereotypical Republican.

I think now that the facts are coming out and the economy is in the dumps, this can only help the MJ scene. Everyones eyes and ears open up when money is involved.
You are speaking the complete truth. The economy is in the shitter and legal marijuana will save it and bring it up better than it has ever been.


We can only hope. Maybe Murdock has some related investments that will benefit from legalization. Maybe someone at Fox decided that it was too inconsistent to promote capitalism and free markets while using uninformed dogma to suppress such a viable economic generator as the MJ industry. They might think it would give too much ammo for others to cry hypocrisy.

In any case I will be interested to see how the true ditto heads that support prohibition and who believe that they are leading rather than following will react to what they are sure to see as Fox breaking ranks. Will they cry betrayal or will they change direction to follow Fox's lead?

I'm not taking any shots at conservatism here. There are ditto heads on every side of every issue. For each issue some are lucky to be ditto-ing correctly and some not. It just seems to me that the ditto heads are the ones that go flying off into the trees when the conventional wisdom of those around them changes and "cracks the whip" on them (a ski boat changes direction quickly and throws the skier off of the line. Only the strongest and best skiers can hold on).


Well-Known Member
Fox is hiring alot of Constitutionalists and Libertarians these days.
John Stosel, Judge Napolitono and so forth, who are pro-legalization.
The Pin-heads Hannity, Beck, Bill'O, they still oppose it.
However I think Beck could be brought on board if he thinks it will make the economy better.
And If it can be proven to be no worse then alcohol.

Link maybe?


Well-Known Member
I really don't think Beck opposes the legalization of marijuana. He has some serious skeletons in his closet and, not knocking him, he really hates to dwell too long on the subject... maybe because his peers know all too well of his past and may assume he's back on the train if he starts hyping green too much. Does that make sense?


Well-Known Member
The whole nation is moving towards legalization. It will probably happen on a state by state basis over the next 20 years or so starting with California.


Well-Known Member
One more thing, my leanings are to the right on MANY issues. I never really considered marijuana to be something morally opposed by just the right-wingers. I have always been under the impression that any gullible person is going to follow suite more often than not, and if green isn't popular because the mainstream gets their cues from the government, then Joe Blowfish will buy in to the rhetoric and inspire his dumb friends with the same.

I want to say this... I think those involved politically, on RIU and other popular marijuana advocacy forums, have been the REAL players in getting this movement going. Without the players on here and the other boards, this issue would remain a moot, unstirred up pot of.... well, pot. I want to thank everyone here that has contributed to this movement and I want to plead with you to continue your efforts. The ball is starting to move. However, there is this word called INERTIA: In common usage, however, people may also use the term "inertia" to refer to an object's "amount of resistance to change in velocity" (which is quantified by its mass), or sometimes to its momentum, depending on the context (e.g. "this object has a lot of inertia").

I don't want to come off as a teacher here, but you understand this principal. If the mass of this ball (the number of people involved in this pro-marijuana movement) is running down hill and the opponents are below us, they are going to be squashed because we will have the momentum to move real fucking quick down this hill before they can get out of our way. HOWEVER, if we (the ball) dwindle in numbers, we get small, lighter, and sure we'll roll down hill quickly, but their numbers will out-weigh us and they'll just stand their, not moving anywhere, and as soon as we hit them, we'll bounce half-way back up that fucking hill, lose some more numbers and roll down even lighter, repeating the process until we just fucking STOP! Let's not dwindle in numbers. We need to be a huge fucking ball so we can roll over and flatten them and keep rolling, letting nothing in our way!


I agree. The other day at the grocer I signed the petition to get the bill to protect legal medical users in CA. I felt guilty for not volunteering like that guy. Then I heard that the organizers had to pay a service to get the signatures because they couldn't get enough volunteers to go out and get them. They had already missed one deadline for that.

Man, we in the community really don't put enough effort into it. I think the only reason things are swinging our way (besides the few highly motivated organizers) is because people who grew up with these laws don't want their kids harassed like they were, and states are too tempted to get the extra taxes it would generate. So it's all basically being done for us while we argue about the details like the tax.

Wow, just now I'm feeling such a strange mixture of optimism, pessimism, and self loathing.

Well, I signed the petition. So there's that.

Uhm, yeah that's all I've done.



Well-Known Member
ya - they will go with whatever is popular - if republicans decided the earth was doughnut shaped - we would hear some heated debates over it....
Bullshit. Obama was/is popular, at least for now. See them fawning over him the same way CNN does and every other network does? I didn't think so. Now, it's your turn to make up another weak excuse to hate on Fox News.

Fox is hiring alot of Constitutionalists and Libertarians these days.
John Stosel, Judge Napolitono and so forth, who are pro-legalization.
The Pin-heads Hannity, Beck, Bill'O, they still oppose it.



We need to be above politics here because we need to stick together. We need to keep a 'big tent' approach and be grateful that people who share few other views with us are willing to set that aside and join together to help make marijuana legal. Whether we are left, right, or center we should be glad for every voice that adds to ours and not turn people away because of other unrelated issues. Let's keep the movement moving forward with as many hands on deck as possible.

I say thanks to everyone who supports legal marijuana. To that end I will try to keep my foot out of my mouth when speaking of those who may otherwise oppose my views. I don't want to chase anyone away from this issue because of how they stand on others. I say welcome, and thanks!


I saw this segment as well and was supprised too. I've noticed lately that Fox news in general has really lightened up on the legalization of it. I'm not a huge news watcher anyhow, but I do watch Fox news from time to time. I prefer it over the other major networks as my political views seem to lean towards stereotypical Republican.

I think now that the facts are coming out and the economy is in the dumps, this can only help the MJ scene. Everyones eyes and ears open up when money is involved.
I think the feds have realized they might be able to make more money off of it if it was legal than illegal since so many people use it, so they're having news channels like fox news and other extremely biased channels slowly "change" they're opinion of it, that way after peoples minds are changed on the issue (because of the news programs) most people will by then be to stupid to ask "so why did you guys keep it illegal and lock up innocent smokers and growers for decades?" seems pretty fullproof.

I'm in no means complaining though, i want legal :weed: just as much as the next guy.


Well-Known Member
heh.. i need no excuse to 'hate on' fox.. they don't like obama because: (a.) He is not white. (b.) He is not a republican.

i guess i should have said 'whatever is popular with their viewer base'..


Well-Known Member
I'd consider myself to the left for sure BUT i watch Fox News OFTEN.. I enjoy seeing the other sides views and, laugh if they're fcking stupid, or take their opinion into consideration. but I know East Coast Republicans and I know it is one of the most crooked bunch I've come across. I'm sure Democrats are the same but with Republicans they'll go after any legislation that they can profit from somehow. I know I sound biased. but Republicans and MJ scare me a bit. I'd rather not have Phillip Morris, R.J. Reynolds. OR GSK, Lilly, or any other pharmacutical company having the monopoly on my ganja. but then again .. like i said .. I'm to the left and i feel like a Democrat might at least keep chemicals out of my chronic. It will get passed slowly but surely though.
like i said i know people will disagree with me but .. i can respect the right sides opinions so please respect mine. Peace.


Well-Known Member
i think the underlying issue is that some people choose to look at drugs as a moral issue that requires some form of justice imposed - when really addiction is a public health issue and nothing more - the prohibition creates the actual crime - not the drugs themselves... then look at pot again - it is not even a health issue really - it should be left alone and then we can take a harder look at the truly dangerous substances..

things are going to change now that we have this one fact in perspective - the USA has 25% of the entire prison population of the world and yet we compose only 5% of the global population.. we are the number one imprisoning country - way beyond the countries you might expect such as Cuba or Turkey, etc.. we have reached more than 1,000 inmates per 100,000 citizens or 1 in 100 americans are now in prison... the stats are startling - countries like England and Norway have more like 66 - 100 per 100,000 - the only country that rivals us is China where the statistics are muddy..

the point is we are at a major turning point for the justice system in this country and it can make or break our image as a nation in the worlds eyes.. so, let's really try to make the government play a fair hand if they are going to be involved in our drug consumption at all..!