Hey I flipped sativa's at 10 inches tall and they turned into this..
They are all the same age just about 12 different strains.. I vegged these for about 12 days.. then flipped to 12/12 ...
I went from this
to this in 36 days..
Notice the box fan behind the plants for a size comparision...
What you need is a taller box... There are a unlimited number of objects you can use...
But if size is a problem.. Then go with floro's or tech 5... use a mix of the blue's and red's... And try to cool your hps as much as possible... The to set up some kinda fan that blows the heat out of the top...
Of by the way you can do sea of green but toss the bubble ponics....
And go with a scrog with either one plant or two at most....