Is this high or low PH lockout? (Pics)


Well-Known Member
I have a plant that is exhibiting some rather interesting symptoms. I know at this point that its some kind of ph imbalance, but I don't know if the ph is too high or too low. I looked in the growFAQ, and from what I've deduced, I think its too low. They say Mg, and K are locked out at low ph and those seem to be the deficiencies here. Just need some more opinions before I take action. If you tell me to go buy a ph control kit you are not helping, I won't be able to make the trip for a bit, and this problem needs correcting now. Info on my grow:

Soil: Roots Organic Soil
Nutrients: Pure Blend Pro, Grow and Soil Bloom
Water: Spring Water with TDS around 90, unknown initial PH

Here are three pics, each a different stage of the problem, starting at the bottom where its worst and working its way up the plant to the top, which is the last picture.



Well-Known Member
lockout takes awhile to happen but I agree it looks like ph/root zone issues. Aint no one going to be able to help u alot without you being able to measure the ph. I would call up the spring water company and ask them what the ph of their water is. also ask them if they add salt for tatse. prob is going to be nuetral around 6-7. U dont specify the nutes u r using but veg nutes have a tendancy to lower the ph nutes more than bloom nutes. So I would say your ph is running low. I believe baking soda will help up the ph. Th best thing is to get some fine dolomite lime an add to top layer of your soil.
This will nuetralize the acidity and help keep a nuetral ph around 7. Hydrated lime may be better, slightly faster acting.

I see P deficiency first pic with the leaf doing 'the twist' along with possibly Mg. Dont see K yet but could be happening. i also see N deficiency as well. Distilled water is nuetral, 7, where u want to be. Overwatering along with too cold of water can also make nutrient uptake difficult.
You should be able to get by with uping your nute load and adding some baking soda to the water.
But in reality, without having the means to check and maintain your ph, especially during early flowering, you must accept the fact that you will have limited yields and plants will prob not have the environment to reach her full potential


Active Member
i dont know man, your prob is very similar to what probs i am having right now... i cant figure it out i have tried numerous things, but im guessing our ph is off.. im in soil as well, ive flushed and started back at 1/4 nutes for the time being, time for a good watering tonite, im gonna ph at 6.7 from now on hopefully this corrects it..good luck


Well-Known Member
lockout takes awhile to happen but I agree it looks like ph/root zone issues. Aint no one going to be able to help u alot without you being able to measure the ph. I would call up the spring water company and ask them what the ph of their water is. also ask them if they add salt for tatse. prob is going to be nuetral around 6-7. U dont specify the nutes u r using but veg nutes have a tendancy to lower the ph nutes more than bloom nutes. So I would say your ph is running low. I believe baking soda will help up the ph. Th best thing is to get some fine dolomite lime an add to top layer of your soil.
This will nuetralize the acidity and help keep a nuetral ph around 7. Hydrated lime may be better, slightly faster acting.

I see P deficiency first pic with the leaf doing 'the twist' along with possibly Mg. Dont see K yet but could be happening. i also see N deficiency as well. Distilled water is nuetral, 7, where u want to be. Overwatering along with too cold of water can also make nutrient uptake difficult.
You should be able to get by with uping your nute load and adding some baking soda to the water.
But in reality, without having the means to check and maintain your ph, especially during early flowering, you must accept the fact that you will have limited yields and plants will prob not have the environment to reach her full potential
I wrote I use Pure Blend Pro, Grow and Soil Bloom. I looked on the spring water website and they don't add anything to the water, not the kind I have anyway. They say it has a TDS of around 90(R/O is close to 0 and tap water has ratings anywhere from 200-300). Actually its super pure for naturally occuring water. My other plants love the stuff.:weed:

This really sucks guys, last night I watered with PBP Soil Bloom at half strength, and it is worse today. Just going off of general knowledge I thought water at ph of 7 plus organic nutes would bring the waters ph to 6-7. The soil has to be too acidic, at first I thought it was too basic so I was watering with vinegar, and it didn't do shit, but didn't really make it worse, WTF??? I am going to see about a ph kit from wal-mart today so I can figure this out once and for all, NO MORE DICKING AROUND.

The other thing that pisses me off is that I have two more plants, receiving the exact same treatment, and doing just fine! Is it possible that this is a strain that is just super picky about its environment, or possibly has different environmental requirements than most plants? Its just a real bitch to dial in you know, this plant's been fussy since jump street.


Well-Known Member
You have said the problem yourself. First you watered with vinegar, highly acidic, and now you are still feeding it nutes? Give it a flush, and by a flush i mean a complete flush. 3 times the amount of water that will fit in the container. then give it REALLY light nutes, i mean less than 1/4 strength. Your trying to correct problems you dont even have.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Well I use distilled water and I always have to ph up the water! I have a tester though. One thing your grow will not survive without is a good ph tester. If you have to get a chap liquid one for $9.99 but if you have the money they have ones for around 100 that are digital and way better.