is this how you add molasses?

im growing 9 clones outdoors this year. ive been reading alot about molasses, and how apparently it makes the buds get really big and thick.. so im going to try it. but i dont know how much to add, and tell me if i am right or wrong.
it is my understanding that when you notice the plant budding, THEN you start to add the molasses, once a week.. with one teaspoon per gallon of water.

is this correct? can someone help me with this? any info on using molasses is great!


Well-Known Member
I use 1 Tbsp per gallon and i use it with every feeding (veg and flower). Ive been reading that it should be every other watering so im thinking im gonna try this instead. hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
I use 1 Tablespoon per gallon, every other feeding, only during flowering. I dump some of the gallon of water in a bowl, microwave it, then mix it while its warm. Then I dump that into the balance of the gallon and shake her up real good. :hump: