Is this how you get a cat???

Appointment set for early Sept to get Buddy boy n00tered. Still actively trying to find him a home.
In the meantime, we keep feeding him & we give him a lil playtime in the front yard. I saw two little kids, like 4 and 5 yrs old across the street petting him, and he was SOOOO GOOD about it!! I think our neighbors next door might be feeding him & letting him in their yard, too. If anything, he's a welcome part of the neighborhood but I still wana find him some permanent people, lol
When I take him in for fixing we'll have him scanned, but we're quite sure he's a stray at this point. If he ain't fixed he probably ain't chipped, but we'll see.

vet should scan em for free and contact the original owner if they have a chip, at least thats what they did for us. Due to privacy rules they wouldn't provide the info to us though, we just waited for a call back and were told to keep him.

Ours had been living in the sewers/stray for 6 months+ and acted skittish but friendly. We got lucky and he'd already been fixed and chipped, just updated the records to our new number.
vet should scan em for free and contact the original owner if they have a chip, at least thats what they did for us. Due to privacy rules they wouldn't provide the info to us though, we just waited for a call back and were told to keep him.

Ours had been living in the sewers/stray for 6 months+ and acted skittish but friendly. We got lucky and he'd already been fixed and chipped, just updated the records to our new number.
i don't wana crate him up twice, if I don't have to. He deserves a nice stress-free space :blsmoke::mrgreen: lol
Update on this doofus:
We were able to wrangle him up & get him to the County vet to get neutered. All went VERY well, he stayed indoors in our office for about a week while he healed. He just seemed to really want to get out, so after 8 full days indoors he is back outside. Now he hangs out in our backyard.

Caught him sleeping like this, I was so stoned I thought he was fucking dead :lol: :lol: :lol:

So basically he's still the neighborhood cat, but he mostly hangs in our yard. He even brought us a bird to the back porch so I know he appreciates us
Oh yeah, he also wore a collar for about 2 weeks before we noticed he got his jaw caught in it :lol: lol! Need to get one that can break-away.

I also want to get him a nametag that, on one side, just says "Bud". On the other side, it'll say "I live around here" :)
This lil dude has a similar story.. he was really skinny and broken when first coming around. After a few weeks feeding him inside, we took him in and got him fixed. We've been calling him Oscar.

When he started coming around..

To this happy guy with Madame Baguette :)

Oscar's super nice to be around and play with, he's like a lil child lol. Sure it's the same for you with Bud and (I'm assuming) the appreciation he shares for giving him a home. A Big Thank You to all the animal lovers doing the good work fostering and spaying/neutering. :blsmoke:
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I have been feeding stray cats for years, ever since one moved into my chicken coop to hunt rats. So I started feeding him. The chickens have been gone for over 5 years and the cat is still here. My neighbors 2 cats started coming over to share in his food. I have a pet door into my kitchen and sometimes I would wake up and find one or both of their cats sleeping on the couch or chair. A year ago the neighbors moved to a new house about 6 blocks away. They took their cats with them but within weeks the cats found their way back here. We have returned them several times but they keep coming back. After several returns their owners just gave up and asked me to just send them pics once in a while :D ....we have been adopted by 3 cats....