Is this just from low pH? (coco) (pics)


Well-Known Member
I don't have your answers, or should say scientific proof. I came across a few threads that discussed a large mycro heard scewing ph. My ph in coco always stays between 5.6-6.2, then I started using GW ( I only used once a week).After 3 weeks my ph started to drop. It stopped around 4.9-5.1, it seemed no matter how much ph water I ran thur it still ph to low 5.

I hope you do understand They only have to list the NPK they dont have to list every last thing in their nutes. CSN17 has EVERY thing. Tho Mg is a little weak (for coco) and silica is also or should be supplemented.

As uncle Ben stated above, my issue came from the lock out from my ph being so low causing a whole bunch of def.

Also CSN17 has carbs to feed you mycros but I also sup Strapped <---- mycros will explod after use.

Bottom line get your PH corrected and you should be good, for me it was just knocking down my mycro heard. To much of a good thing is to much.

Great White @ 1tsp/10 gal (every other day) this is over kill
hmm. I don't know. In my opinion, your theory about GW in excess being the cause of the OP ph problem/lockout/deficiency/etc is off. I'm open to quite a few possibilities but not this one.

like I said.. I do have some Plant Success Powder that I have no plans to continue to use in my feeding regimen.. I will try it out and see if I am wrong.

I will do x2 the amount you called overkill.. Every watering.. at the rate of 1 tsp per 5 gal.

I'm not trying to be confrontational or a dick.. All in the name of closet science 8)


Active Member
About the GW, it's not acidic, from what I can tell it's neutral, since when I mix it in at the end, it doesn't change the pH of the solution at all. I think that IF the GW is causing the pH to drop, it's from too high of a bacterial activity level in the rhizosphere. Usually that causes a high pH, but I'm not too knowledgeable on that subject. Not too sure if that is actually what's causing the low pH since I know people run the EWC Tea in every watering, which has way more bacteria than GW contains, but it's something I haven't considered, and will stop using it for a week to see what happens.

I appreciate your input UncleBen...don't want you to think I'm going against you. If raising the pH of the rhizosphere doesn't fix my problem, I'll try the nutrient regimen you suggested earlier.

By newer tent, I meant newer cycle...the tent is a few years old and off-gassing free. I'm really trying to cover all my bases here and thanks for all the input.


Well-Known Member
BINGO "I think that IF the GW is causing the pH to drop, it's from too high of a bacterial activity level in the rhizosphere" Thank you that was my point. Wish I could write my points like that hydroyed :-)

TexasHank nice I hope to hear how it comes out. It would be great to see some one look in to this a little more.


Active Member
Just thought I would update.....things still getting 32 now. I've been feeding at 7.0pH and the runoff still comes out at 5.4-5.5 on the bad looking plants. On the two good ones, it comes out at 6.3-6.5 so I started watering those two with "regular" 5.8pH and the rest still with 7.0 hoping the pH comes up.

At this point I'm thinking that even with the Great White, I got root rot somehow which is dropping the pH. I dug up some roots and they seem white on the top half of the pots, but the bottom are brown. It's not an overwatering/drainage issue as far as I can tell. The think that still is perplexing the shit out of me is these are getting the SAME EXACT feed as other tents that are kicking major is going to be a record pull......not to mention the two OK plants in this tent....the two biggest ones...if that matters...the 8 smaller ones all did this, the onset of the yellowing happened in the course of a few days so I was thinking maybe it was something I added...I use different bins to mix each tents solution although I put the same amounts of everything in each...maybe I could have put the wrong thing into this tents bin....that's a longshot though, and still there are the two OK plants which would rule that out.

At this point I'm just continuing to feed at a high pH trying to keep the root zone pH as close to within limits as possible, not sure what else to do this late into flower.

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Well-Known Member
is that your dehumidifier right next to them? those things get hot and can suck the water out of the ladies, no idea if this is the problem, but it is possible.


Active Member
Not sure what you are referring to...I don't have dehumidifiers, just run active exhaust/passive intake. Lately the humidity has been 50-60%.


Active Member
Did you wash your coco properly before you put your grow in it?

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Active Member
Yes. I run 5 gallons of RO mixed with 100ppm CalMag+ though each 4 gallon pot of coco before planting. The runoff of the first drops of the wash is 2.0EC+, by the time the last gallon goes through the runoff is 0.3EC.