is this leaf septoria

Ok so what do I do when all the leafs canoe in five mins after the dome is off?

It's definetly a heat problem mate, if they canoe without the dome it means they are getting too much light. How close are the lights to your plants?

Also, introuduce a light airflow. Any type of fan is suitable as long as you can make the conditions right. Most weed originated from growing on-top of windy hills, and most strains prefer to have a constant breeze.
Well I take her out of the dome and light when I check them and the moisture of the soil and within the time of the dome being off and away from the light it curls but it's about four inches from it
Well I take her out of the dome and light when I check them and the moisture of the soil and within the time of the dome being off and away from the light it curls but it's about four inches from it

Are they CFL's? If you check my grow journal, what I believed to be 70f, was really almost 90f. I screwed up the readings on my hygrometer. rookie mistake

To me personally, that didn't seem too hot. I thought it would be the perfect conditions because weed likes a warm enviroment, right?. I was wrong and after moving my MH lights from around 15 inches away from my plants to 25. Switched on the inline extractor fan and turned on a tower fan. They started growing rapidly, I can assure you it's a heat problem.

They like a nice temperature of around 76-81f. The spots are most likely fungus from being under that humidity dome, and the regular misting.

Buy a hygrometer.

Bad temperatures can stunt growth, and cause leaves to canoe.
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Also I just checked her roots and there the same size as when I loosened the soil up because I was afraid it was to compact it's super small the parts coming off the main arnt even a inch long
Try this,

Get a fan, put it on a low setting so the leaves shake gently, move it in line with the lights. Move the lights away roughly 5-6 inches. Remove the humidity dome, and report back with any changes. I can assure you they will not canoe.
Ok I'll try it but I'm pretty sure they will canoe like I said I can take them away from the light without the dome on for five mins and they canoe I'm not exaggerating at all on the time
I can't guarantee it will work for you, as I'm growing in a grow tent. The humidity, and temperature is pretty neutral.

I have no idea how hot your room is, If your room is that warm, open doors. move things around. Get as much airflow into that space as possible.
So I'm trying this right now fans blowing on her lights are up further dome off and she's already starting to curl up
My room is always cold i keep it warm enough so when I open it I can feel the temp different but I don't keep it to hot
So I'm trying this right now fans blowing on her lights are up further dome off and she's already starting to curl up

It won't be instant as shes been used to that environment for so long. Give it another hour at most, if you see no changes then, well.. I don't know what to tell you. But canoeing is definitely down to heat.

Try not to factor heat, without a hygrometer it's pretty hard to judge temperature. Keep it as cool as possible.

Try to imitate an environment similar to it being ontop of a hill with a nice breeze in a warm-ish climate. Tropical.
Yeah she only does that when I take the dome off but it is also because the roots arnt taking in moisture I checked her roots and there extremely small like a week old plants and there close to a month old now so imma slowly get her used to no dome and try to find a way to get her roots growing
Well my room is to cold for me at times so if I did that I'm pretty sure it would be to cold, I really believe I have it at a good temp but I'll try to get a thermometer or whatever to check it
You can try using liquid seaweed extract if you're having problems with your roots too. They'll make them grow rapidly!

Tomorrow you should go out and buy a hygrometer, pronto. Remember 76-81f is perfect. You also want the humidity between 40-70%. No lower, no higher. 50% is the average room humidity so try to base it off that.
Awesome I'll have to look into it because I thought it was roots maby when this first started happening to shrugged it off because I been doing good with watering and stuff but it started looking like a deficiency so I moved away from that
I'm in no way shape of form, an expert.. I'm on my first grow myself, but I've read, and read and READ constantly for the past few months. I'm off to a pretty good start. But don't take all my advice literally, it's best to read up on stuff and make your own assumptions on what's good and what's bad for your plants.

Anyway, good luck. I wish you all the best in your grow! :mrgreen:

PS: Keep the dome off for the next hour, see if she calms down. (70% sure she will ;)) Try moving the lights further away try 15 inches.