No. You can use 2 of them in that size tent but the heat will suck balls.
1 of those in a 2x4 is not going to work well at all. 2x 300w ones would be a lot better since it's spread out, but you can easily throw twice as much at your plants. 3x 300w would be the best option, as the heat is just manageable enough to cope with, coverage is even, and you can yield decently.
Those amazon led panels suck though dude. I fyou have $300 to spend for your lights, you can max out your space with diy leds. A 300w diy led build in there would beat out 2x 600w viparspectras and the heat wont be bad at all.
Thanks for that. Ill look into other makes. The size will still be the same though or similar. Im limited at the momentthere are dozens of viperspectra threads and not much good to be said about them
Thanks for that. Ill look into other makes. The size will still be the same though or similar. Im limited at the moment
Sorry for the noob question then bro lol I was literally basing that off Amazon reviews for that light which are good with 4.5/5 stars.Well if you can only afford a single 600 viparpsectra, I would look into getting the HLG 135w kit instead. You want 3000k, 3500k, or 4000k for seed to harvest.
It will output the same light as the viparspectra, with half the watts/heat. And as a bonus they have an excellent spectrum. Viparspectras have probably the WORST spectrum of any grow light out there. Blue for dayzzzzz..... No loud fans to deal with. And it will last many years unlike the vipar that will blow out diodes in a few months.
If you get the qb 135w kit, it will only cover about half your tent just as the viparspectra 600 would so keep the plants/light to one half of the tent. Then when you can afford it, buy a second one and you'll be good to go.
Sorry for the noob question then bro lol I was literally basing that off Amazon reviews for that light which are good with 4.5/5 stars.
I was trying to cut down on clutter and thats also why I was attracted to that set. Will I basically just need to set up and hang different lights at different stages?
Sorry for the noob question then bro lol I was literally basing that off Amazon reviews for that light which are good with 4.5/5 stars.
Yeah amazon reviews are pretty useless for looking at LED panels. Most are paid/fake reviews, and the rest are people who buy it and leave a review like "just purchased this. havent gotten it yet. 5 stars" or similar to that lol.
You should be able to use your grow light from seed to harvest without changing it out. The viparspectra is IMO only suitable for veg, look at the spectrum of that shit lol.
Noted. Amazon aside. When I Google "Best marijuana LED lights" like 3 or 4 of the first 6 links have the Vipaspectra in their Top 3-5.those are meaningless
also meaninglessWhen I Google "Best marijuana LED lights"
are they trying to sell you something?but how do you know what sites have 'Fake News' ?
Noted. Amazon aside. When I Google "Best marijuana LED lights" like 3 or 4 of the first 6 links have the Vipaspectra in their Top 3-5.
Im not saying anyone is full of it, but how do you know what sites have 'Fake News' ?
including a bunch of white lights as welland a bunch others that are just pieces of shit.
They are shit. And i used to use them and could pull 1.3 grams per watt using them. Dank quality too of course. And I will tell you they're shit.They are not shit at all. They grow weed perfectly well. If your growing for profit and want extreme yields then go with the quantum boards or cobs. If it's for personal use the viparspectra Leds as they are fine if budget is an issue and your just starting out.
After a couple of grows the money you will save from growing your own and not buying you will be able to buy higher quality leds. Please don't be roped into the my lights better than your light competition they have here on RIU.
You can grow weed using any light. Obviously the more intense the light is the higher the yield but not everyone is after huge amounts of buds. The man is growing 2 plants inside a grow tent. The walls are reflective so light spread isn't as important. I've followed many threads where the viparspectra lights have done an amazing job. I couldn't care less about gpw and all that bollox. They are cheap and do a perfectly good job.They are shit. And i used to use them and could pull 1.3 grams per watt using them. Dank quality too of course. And I will tell you they're shit.
I bought 10 $50 strips and 3 320W Drivers (I think that was about $80 each).They are not shit at all. They grow weed perfectly well. If your growing for profit and want extreme yields then go with the quantum boards or cobs. If it's for personal use the viparspectra Leds as they are fine if budget is an issue and your just starting out.
After a couple of grows the money you will save from growing your own and not buying you will be able to buy higher quality leds. Please don't be roped into the my lights better than your light competition they have here on RIU.
also meaningless
are they trying to sell you something?
if you want to learn how to evaluate a light, you need to gain an understanding of photometric efficiency. If you dont understand what an actual PAR measurement in umols is, or what an efficiency level in umol/J (or even lumens/watt) is, youre flying blind.
They are not shit at all. They grow weed perfectly well. If your growing for profit and want extreme yields then go with the quantum boards or cobs. If it's for personal use the viparspectra Leds as they are fine if budget is an issue and your just starting out.
After a couple of grows the money you will save from growing your own and not buying you will be able to buy higher quality leds. Please don't be roped into the my lights better than your light competition they have here on RIU.
The more light you give them the better your yield will be but there is other things that effect how well they produce. Grow medium is important. Air intake and extraction. Nutrients. Even the strain you choose to grow effects yield and potency. Having a stable environment and the correct equipment like tds and ph meters are important.Thats why I joined a forum lol Look at it already paying off for me
I guess I could take the time to learn about photometric efficiency, but if I learned in great detail every aspect of growing I would never be able to grow lol I do plan on learning along the way. Im sure there will be lots of trial and error as well. Im just eager and anxious to get started, so I went somewhere (here) to get some tips and advice. Im appreciative!
My budget is under $800
I was looking at those quantum boards (LINK) . For 2 SCROG plants, would 1 be ok, or should I get 2?
in fact thats the most important factorEven the strain you choose to grow effects yield and potency