Is ThiS Magnesium Def or not ?! HELP


DSC00143.jpgDSC00144.jpgDSC00145.jpg Hi ppl , I have problem too, its my 1st time grow , just for testing :) . I am using pure home compost soil . Dont know the Ph level , but i read a lot of info for compost soil . I am sure the Ph levels are good or if i need to test it i will do it . Watering 3 times per week ,I have a very good drainage too.Now I am making a compost tea for my babies , but i have a problem .... My lower leaves are starting to turn light green to yellow , the edges are getting brown and ofcourse the leaves are dying... I read a lot of info about what the problem can be, and I think is Magnesium Def .... Please can you guys tell me am I right about this Mg Def or is something else ?!Ive allready FIMmed them, have two containers which provide me CO2.The bushier plant is about 5 weeks old and the other is in the 3rd week.My leaves are thick and rough in touch.
Have e great time this Xmas :) 10x guys

Every post I make is purely fictional. Any information I have about cannabis is either through common sense or intensive reading. Any pictures posted by myself or anyone using my username are not my own and are in fact pictures I found on google images. I will not be held responsible for anything that I say on these forums.


Well-Known Member
so this is compost soil? u haven't used nutes have you?

they may have outgrown the pot and eaten most everything it had

if this is the case the tea should help but you wanna transplant of course

if not, then it's probably due to pH. This is not mg def, rather a p/k one.


If I transplant it , what kind of soil I have to use ? More compost or some not so strong soil . Maybe to use 1/2 part of compost with sand and/or perlite or what should I use for the new place ?Yes I didnt use nutes , yet. And what means with other words -
  • they may have outgrown the pot and eaten most everything it had"?
    And i dont know that compost tea will have a good effect right now ? Is it good to use it or not ? Is the small pot be the problem for me ? And if i remove it to a bigger pot should everything be allright ?



Well-Known Member
the plant does not look right, looks like the leaves are not developing all the way. Don't think it is a big deal at this point as long as you get it straightened out. Back to basics, re-pot, watering schedule, nutes.


Well-Known Member
U had mag def and u feed her too much nuts.The leafs show burn and wish u to flush asap .If u can get cal mag + And u by the middle nut after flushHappy xmass



  • Ok . I understand that 100 % I have to REpot in bigger pot ofcourse. But what kind of soil to use ?! I have a bag full of compost from my grandmother's garden - the compost have the ordinary ingridients like chicken and cows shit , some plants from the garden . I dont have normal soil right now . What to do ?To use my compost for the newer bigger pot or to use 1/2 or 1/4 part compost and the other parts to be perlite , sand and normal soil not so rich in nutes like the compost I said ?!
    Neved what you say about "can get cal mag + And u by the middle nut after flush " - I understand the part when i have to flush it and add nutes after that , but the other part i cant understand it is this one "can get cal mag +"
    Anyway tnanks guy for responding so fast and i'm sure your advises will help me to rid of the problem i had . I have to go outside to drink with friends and hope to see your next posts. Tnanks again .​




  • Yeah from all over the web searching I did, I have 3 things which can be - potassium def , Mg def or like "asaph" said - root bound ... Just dunno which one exactly is ... Say what to do if it potassium def , buy a nutes only ? or REpot , flush and add nutes after that . Hope guys you know the situation better than me and can give me exactly what I have to do ?! Thanks guys​



Well-Known Member
so you're saying you used full-blown compost soil for them?

then it might be over nute, compost can be too hot for young plants. but you said it was a mix so i thought maybe it was adjusted.

so it's really hard to tell, if this is too much, too little or not even about nutes but about pH. one thing is clear - the current way of work is not working. so I suggest you change as much as you can of it, and odds are that your problem will go away (might be replaced by another problem though). try to mix your soil with a light soil if you can find it. if not, maybe 20% perlite/vermiculite/soilless mix. that will eliminate the possibility of the soil being too hot.

also make sure you water @ pH 6.5 +-

and give them a flush. adding nutes should be your last resort and only after flushing. better to use organic nutes and don't put too much in.

whether taking these steps will solve it or not, aerated compost tea is always a good idea (dilute it at first if you fear of overnute). it gives harmony to your soil, as well as nutrients.


Its Full-blown , Yes .
Yeah , the Re-potting is allready Done . Im using again my compost only , cause the problem for now is - "rootbound" . Flushed before potting , waiting for ... how to say it ... to recover ! After that maybe I will use the "tea" for boosting the flower stage .
Thanks asaph for the rep , and to the others guys.
p.s some pics may can be seen soon ...