is this male?


Active Member
this one is about 1 month old and still in veg. i opened the box thismorning to check on it and there all all these green sacs


Well-Known Member
oh yeah, you got a male. although if it's still in vegging I'm surprised to see that. it is most definately obvious that it's a male


Active Member
so if there all still in veg should i worry about gettin it outta there yet or wait till i start flowering?


Active Member
i also got a female about 4 weeks into flowering on the other side of my house should i worry about the pollen from the male getting there


Well-Known Member
get them out of there if you have females!!!!!!!!!

all the way across the house shouldn'y matter, but I would put a filter on your intake where the females are just to be sure.


Active Member
i think im just gonna kill it i have no use for it really. how long does it take from the sacs developing to them releasing pollen


Well-Known Member
before you know it. I'm not too sure, but it's not that long... get that shit out of there.

D port Growth

Well-Known Member
git rid of that male male pollen can travel op to a mile in the air 1 lil pollen moleacule can pollinate that whole plant so git rid of it unless ur going for seeds
good luck

D port Growth

Well-Known Member
just keep em seperate untill then try trowing a bag around when moving it just to be safe like a big garbage bag and have fun good luck