Is this mold/mildew?


Well-Known Member
Good spot, you got it early, could have lost the whole harvest. Keep a very close eye if you do harvest it now. I would trim them 1st making sure to get rid of any spots of mold. Trim all the leafs off and basically do everything you can to keep your humidity down as they dry.


Active Member
Yes, nothing you can do to stop it this far into flowering, without doing more damage or risk of losing a lot of bud.
that might not be completely true.

now , I have only had mildew once in my grow career. And I believe it was because I tried to partially close my supply and exhaust from my room one time to try to help adjust my temp in the room. Which took away my circulation and fresh air.

PM is a disease in the plants that either you gave them too much nitrogen or dont have enough fans and circulation.

now my treatment to this one time even in my 4 week of flower was

foliar spray mix 1 gallon of stable water ( best you can find)
1 1/2 tsp baking soda.
1 drop superthrive

foliar application. This is the only time I will tell you not to wash your foliar off after spraying. try not to get any on the buds themselves. It will leave a different white residue behind . it is ok.

note**** Baking soda is a ph down!!!!!! carefull .

you only have a few weeks left try it and finish it. If you have clones and young vegs around. Sorry bro, they got to go. Once the mold is air born ir spreads the disease to entire crop.

Fix your air
remove nitrogen
baking soda foliar spray

the infestation looks more than just recent. I think you ignored some red stems before it got this far. Or you had a guest come ever and check out your grow. And he had some mold on him from another grow. Or you baught some clones that the mother was already sick.. Check them leafe stems bro. they get red for a reason.

after three days after applying my treatment. If the red stems dont go away. then its too late. destroy everything, bleach out all your pots, rooms, equipment, anything you touch related to the grow.

sorry bro. it happens.


Active Member
Good spot, you got it early, could have lost the whole harvest. Keep a very close eye if you do harvest it now. I would trim them 1st making sure to get rid of any spots of mold. Trim all the leafs off and basically do everything you can to keep your humidity down as they dry.
dont remove, you will put plant in repair mode during crucial P and K treatment.

trust me guys try this fix I have it worked.
you wont able to sell it but you can smoke it!


Well-Known Member
Thank you! I harvested them just now. They are in a locked cab, 6 plants in 1 gal containers, good ventilation, but since the containers were small, I had to water often. H% was 37%-71% (too high at times), and the temps were too high: 70f-95f. It's a small yield, maybe 2.5 oz. Trimmed the leaves down to the buds. Drying now.

Question: can I check out the buds with a 30X loupe and see if all is ruined? Or should I just trash everything? I don't want to smoke mildew/mold. The only leafs I noticed the small spiderweb-looking bubbles was just two plants, and on the top buds. Although I've read that the shit is microscopic.

What would you do? Not risk it?

@BOB4TUNA Shutting it down for the summer, last harvest, so no clones. Thanks for the reply!
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Well-Known Member
If you only seen it on your tops, then I would cut them off and dry them away from the rest of your harvest. I wouldn't throw them away just yet. I would let them dry and inspect them closely before I smoked it. When it's dried does it smell like mold or any strange taste, then throw away if it does. You just have to be super careful because even with it drying now, it could spread to your other plants in the house, even normal house plants. As a precaution I would do what Bob said to the plants you have left in the house, couldn't hurt.


Well-Known Member
As for drying I wouldn't go with a quick dry, but a medium-quick dry. Normally I wouldn't suggest this, but in your case it's the right thing. They need air flow and just a bit of heat 75-85, this might compromise the taste a bit, but it will help keep it from spreading. And I wouldn't put them in any kind of container until they are bone dry. Like 3 to 4 weeks from now.


Well-Known Member
The last pic above doesn't really show it. The first 4 pics, looks like tiny soapy bubbles in between the trichs. Idk, I did have thrips earlier in the grow.

They are locked it a pre-fab cab. H is 54%. Outside it's 60%. I put the small circulation fan on for a quicker dry. Normally I don't do this.
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Looks like tiny soap bubbles. Is this mold/white powdery mildew? Or is this a bug's webbing? I'm in week 7. Thanks.
Dude, i wouldnt
Looks like tiny soap bubbles. Is this mold/white powdery mildew? Or is this a bug's webbing? I'm in week 7. Thanks.
Dude i wouldn't harvest it yet, thats barely any and looks like you caught it quick.
Lots stuff works for different people. And some stuff dont. But that can be treatable, the reason im assuming most are saying its too late is because of the risk of bud rot if you spray something on them, but if you think about it when plants are flowering in nature, it still rains and a lot more than you would spray by hand. If you have good temps and good air flow you can spray up to harvest. Though i would not treat with a chem. If its natural safe and organic thats fine. A H2O2 spray worked for me, and at harvest a H2O2 bath. Check out Jorge Cervantes on youtube he has a vid on it.


Well-Known Member
i don't think you got any -,mould or PM ,PM wont affect the bud anyway ,mould will destroy your crop within days off getting it ,it takes over fast ,it looks like cotton fluff growing around & in the bud ,you will defiantly know if you get mould you have be quick to save what buds which arnt affected .

PM is white powder to the leaves ,you can do little only try control it for a wile ,i found very low fat milk water diluted helps ,spray the leaves all round branches ,try not to pray the buds tho ,this will slow it down ,you will have to repeat this later on .