Is this N toxicity or??


Well-Known Member
in hot dirt, every time you water, you end up giving it more nutrients. I would stop feeding it and just water until it showed signs of hunger, and next time, i would cut my dirt with a little lighter mix, like light warrior or even some pro-mix


Well-Known Member
The top leaves are making a taco shape...heat stress. I have it every single day. They return to normal around 9ish when temps drop down into the 80s. Come 9am off they go again


Active Member
Also guys my other fem plant is just starting to get some yellow lower leaves and falling off now i know this is a nitrogen deficency shall i just feed with full strength nutes?


New Member
That dark green color looks like it could be getting a bit too much N. With your other plant yellowing, is it an overall yellowing, or is it more of the bottom leafs? If bottom leafs with yellowing inbetween greenish veins, it could be Mg deficiency... or it could be both...
Also, are your plants the same strains? Dif plants eat at dif rates...
I'm just starting in soil and coco in the last year after doing hydroponics for many years... I have to say, I think hydro is easier, from the standpoint of knowing EXACTLY what's in my nutrient solution. Coco seems to be a bit of a hybrid of soil and hydro. Gotta love growing!


Active Member
Hey heres a few more pics of whats going on. Also nah the leaves where just turning full yellow then dropping off. I fed her today. With the other one still have to let dry out from last water which was (no nutes)



Active Member
Your ph is low. Acidic soil seems to create male plants, at least that's been my experience. Try 6.3 ph. The problem is you are using soil and watering like its hydro. They have two completely different ph ranges. Soil should buffer the run off at 6.3 to 6.8. I'm taking a stab in the dark because I don't know what kind of soil you are using. Are you using any fertilizers or is it water only?
Its peat moss its not soil bro. They say keep it between 5.8-6.2 canna terra professional


Active Member
Yeah i am but havent for about a week and a bit. Im not going to be adding anymore haha just plain water for now. I use hydro coco dutchfest a+b i started with bio canna vega i also have bio canna flores. I usualy do water feed water feed water.


Active Member
The other plant is taking it i have to up her feeding a bit as there was a nitrogen deficiency defanitly and the other one takes the same schedule as well. More nutrients for one less for the other i guess


Active Member
My run off for this plant! I just gave her a flush new growth is starting to die on lower branches. Cant take this anymore haha.



Well-Known Member
if it's over fert, you could just flush the soil with tap water. the water, feed, water idea may not be the best thing.