Is this normal for the Cotyledons


Ok I grow vegetables on a regular basis and have never seen any of my cotyledons start out this color I followed the same routine I would for any vegetable. I germinate the seed indoors via papertowel method once the seed cracks and the tap root starts I plant the seed in a pot and cover with plastic wrap with holes for ventilation. Once the seed breaks the ground I remove the top and place in the same amount of sun my plants get on my balcony which is around 7-8 hours daily. Is this normal will the turn green my first seedling didn't break the ground till it was already green and has been stunted since. The one with beginning true leaves started July 3rd will it make it? Also is the white one normal?



yeh I know they fall off but most of mine have started out green never a whitish yellow. OK I think I know what i did wrong normally with my vegetables if I start the tap root ahead of planting I plant the vegetable seeds deep enough that I don't see the plant for at least 3 days this time I followed a grow guide and planted them only 3/16 of inch below the surface these white cotyledons are premature I think.


Well-Known Member
I'm using MGMC (Moisture Control) and they haven't popped yet, but I've only planted them like 2 days ago and we got a nice rain about an hour ago so I'll check them tomorrow to see if they finally popped. Hopefully they didn't get toooo burnt ha.


Anyone else have advice on saving these whitish cotyledons. Seeds aren't easy to come by. Also I might bring the plants indoors so they can get more light at night I am big on planted fish tanks and have an extra t5 light fixture I could setup to provide light at night when the sun isn't up. Thoughts on that?


Ok anyone help ran home during lunch and all my cotyledons are shrivling up even the one that began its true leaves the cotyledons are shrivling and turning yellow and the true leave arent growing well at all. They had great sun from the east this am I'm right near the beach.