Ok, well I'm using miracle grow potting mix, and I think I'm in the clear pot size, because I transplanted after like 4 days into a 6" pot. Hmm as for nutes I mixed in a handful of worm castings into the MG potting soil. I'm growing in a box that is 3' wide, 2.5' deep, and 3' high. I have an extraction fan kicking at all times, and my lights are on 18/6 ( I live with my parents, so when it starts to get dark around six the lights turn off until midnight, that way they can't see the bright orange yellow light). Hmm I think I was overwating for the first week though, I watered like every day, and I noticed that the soil stays moist for like 3-5 days, is that good? I don't water it until the soil dries up now.