is this normal?


Well-Known Member
I wish I could get good pics of this But I cant.

The concern I have is at the bottom of my stem between the soil and the first nod. As the plant is growing it is begining to get flakey and peel off. the stem is getting much thicker, I think its just shedding its old skin or something... but Im not sure. Is this normal?


Well-Known Member
No it's not normal maybe it should be vaccinated? I know advance nutrients has a vaccination product with a scorpion on it.


Active Member
my plants had a similar flak-age of skin between the soil and first node... I just let it peel off naturally until it was no longer attached... currently on my first grow so i'm no professional, but it happened with all 3 of my plants so I assumed it was a naturally occurring event. at least i hope so


Well-Known Member
Yes, this is normal. It happens with every good grow, sometimes it goes un-noticed. It is exactly what you said, it is "shedding" its old skin. The cotelydon (first small round leaves) are shedded this way and the shedding is a sign that the stem is getting bigger and stronger.