Is this normal?


Active Member
Things dont look too bad to me, except for that one leaf. In terms of texture, it feels VERY soft..kind of soggy, I suppose. They started growing an odd way, too, bending downward..

If things are bad, any input would be greatly appreciated




Well-Known Member
looks to me like a ph problem or overwatering. it could be the first sign of over fert as well.. need more info


Active Member
Hmm. You know, I think I actually may have overwatered them. My pHs are all in the 6.2-7 range. I guess I will let them go a little longer before the next watering. Can one overwatering cause lasting harm?

I can't really tell using the nutrient problem solver if this looks like a nutrient issue.

Thanks for the feedback.


Well-Known Member
water em with just phd water next time cuz now that i look at it i see a little nute burn on the tips but your new growth is fine so just ease off the nutes. also over watering will not leave long lasting problems, just let the soil dry out and let them droop a tad before you water em again... they love to be teased
