is this normal


okay im officially a month into my grow.. from germination to now. im growing Automatic Blueberry ( feminised ) from lowlife seeds... and this is how big they are.
also... i have no sign of sex yet? and thats kinda worrying me .

i was reading on forums...and everyone seemd to alude to putting them on the 12/12 thats what i did. i hope it works.

any idea's

is this what they are supposed to look like? they are even bigger then this.. i took this pic last weekend.



Well-Known Member
Once they have been put into a 12/12 cycle that's when they'll show sex. What some do is cover a portion with a black bag while the rest of the plant is in 18/6 or 24/0. Sex can show. Or you can go 12/12 and wait to see after a few days. If it's a female you can or back to veg. to grow the plant longer. By doing this thought it will take a little bit longer to get your final results because it sent the plant back about a week or two.


okay... but should the plants be that big after a month? i mean.. im looking at some of the other plants on here and it does not even look like they are half the size of mine?
im going to stick with the 12/12 like you say.. we shall see what happens after a week. i hope i havent screwed this grow up.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Those are beautiful plants. Keep doing whatever you are doing. The overall look of a plant can be strain specific.


Well-Known Member
I tend to wait until their 12" min before I do 12/12. But since your in the 12/12 phase right now I'd keep going until you find out, then go back to your veg. lighting if you want Your plants look awesome! Rushing them 99% of the time can set you back a few days at least if not a new grow!
Remember its like fine wine! The best is always made in time and aged right never rushed! Like "little Tommy" said it could be a specific strain. Their looking good though don't worry man!


Well-Known Member
they look great! no reason for 12-12 if they r autos tho dood. but i got a night shade from barneys farm at a month IN HYDRO and its only 5 inches tall (toped at 4th node) and shes all green and perfect, just a low growing strsin or even a pheno type of it also!


okay well... i only had them on the 12/12 for 2 days.. i took them off and desided to let "nature" be that as it may.. take its course and see what happens. i hope it all turns out well.
i will keep some updates going on here. this is my second try at Growing.. my first was a "cheese" plant. and i had so much fun growing her .. that i had to grow more! lol its a sickness. but i LOVE it.
If anyone else has any suggestions .. i would love to hear them.


Whohooo... I can see now that my plants are showing that they are Female! weather or not they actually auto the questin of the day.! they have changed alot since my last pics up there..ill post more pics later .
( p.s ) for the red and blue spectrum....i have one of those new led lights ....they do work really well for veg... i did a test...that light was only used on 2 of my plants ... and those ones are way bigger then the one that didnt get it.
like i said though.. ill post pics so you guys can see later.
What type of soil mixture and nutrients are you using? I'm on my first grow and my plants took twice as long to look like yours do.


Well-Known Member
OI'd let the plants get much bigger before 12/12. You'll get a much better yield. More plant = more bud. I never understood why some folks flower them when they are so smal


Active Member
okay... but should the plants be that big after a month? i mean.. im looking at some of the other plants on here and it does not even look like they are half the size of mine?
im going to stick with the 12/12 like you say.. we shall see what happens after a week. i hope i havent screwed this grow up.
ohh no cool story bro..mine where 2 weeks old and twice that size.


Active Member
You said a month since you started germination, right? Im guessing its been vegging no more than 2 1/2 to 3 weeks. Your plants look great. Short and stocky, big healthy happy leaves. Keep doing what your doing. I dont know why you put them on 12/12. Patience is virtue and rome wasnt built in a day.


Active Member
What kind of light are you using? Those plants look great! You got feminised seed dude, so you've got about a 99.5% chance they're female. The 12/12 makes them bud, the longer they go in 24 or 18 the bigger they will get, when 12/12 hits, they fill out with buds and usually double in height if indica or triple if sativa.


IMG_1545.jpgi am getting lots of questions on here lol..IMG_1544.jpg. please feel free to send me a Pm it would make it easier for me to answer you.... oh and as promised new pics. now just over a month old.



WEll HELL!! i made a noob mistake...gave the plant a little 2 much nutrients..and now i have blackish tips on my leaves!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
and they warned me too...that this strain is really easy to hurt if you over do it with the nutrients. i flushed it a bit...and i hope they come back... they better not die on me or im going to lose my shit lol.