Is this normal?


Well-Known Member
I'm not worried about her stretching I just wanna make sure she lives :P

This is my first grow so im being a little over paranoid plus ive been having some women problems so I've been putting a little TO much attention to my plants to get my mind off other shit atleast its relaxing haha.


Active Member
I germinate under 600 watts of burning fury and my 10 day old plants are bigger than a lot of the plants I see going around the forum. Don't get me wrong my superlights don't make up for experience but set far enough away they actually seem to be kicking my seedlings' asses into shape

Unless you're using more than 600 watts I can confirm that you'll be fine germinating as long as you keep the distance good, any higher and I have absolutely no experience to tell you whether or not its possible/safe.

You're a first time parent and first time parents always worry, just make sure they look like they're not under/overwatered at this point and it'll all probably fall into place, the plants look healthy enough. As soon as you get your first true leaves, just think of your cots as a burying line because they're no longer the only source of food for the plants, just don't clip em and instead use them as a marker when you transplant. A "soil up to here" line if you will


Well-Known Member
I germinate under 600 watts of burning fury and my 10 day old plants are bigger than a lot of the plants I see going around the forum. Don't get me wrong my superlights don't make up for experience but set far enough away they actually seem to be kicking my seedlings' asses into shape
I like this idea, if you got the light distance right for seedlings you may never have to adjust the light again theoretically since as the plant grew taller it would get more light, 600w sounds ideal for this method. Peace


Well-Known Member
Yer i subbed it but hurry up and get them growing. Im getting a 400w soon and changing from cfls, just got a high powered 6inch ruck for my grow box and when i get my 400w im gona go air cooled. Be good to see a few 400w grows before then, as i said hurry up and get growing dude. Peace


Active Member
Yer i subbed it but hurry up and get them growing. Im getting a 400w soon and changing from cfls, just got a high powered 6inch ruck for my grow box and when i get my 400w im gona go air cooled. Be good to see a few 400w grows before then, as i said hurry up and get growing dude. Peace
I've seen a scrog on youtube with a 400w that produced 450 g (hydro, ofc), the potential is definitely there but I'd expect it's mostly about experience and knowing your girls well, so while I wouldn't have a chance of getting that, you seem to have a lot more experience than me under your belt and could at the very least get closer to those kind of results. Either way that's more than a gram per watt so it's a really nice yield potential.

That's why I'm using a 600w though, what you lack in experience, make up for in 600w of burning fury!

I'm definitely coining that phrase


Well-Known Member
I've seen a scrog on youtube with a 400w that produced 450 g (hydro, ofc), the potential is definitely there but I'd expect it's mostly about experience and knowing your girls well, so while I wouldn't have a chance of getting that, you seem to have a lot more experience than me under your belt and could at the very least get closer to those kind of results. Either way that's more than a gram per watt so it's a really nice yield potential.

That's why I'm using a 600w though, what you lack in experience, make up for in 600w of burning fury!

I'm definitely coining that phrase
lol! Yer dude id be happy with 200grams of that 400wat to start with plus i suppose yeild depends on height, veg time and multiple other factors. Since i grow very short plants and short veg times i reckon 200grams is somthing to aim for.

Experience counts for nothing here, we all got the same plants, grows and all learning. I too had the same idea when i bought white widow from durch passion, even if i failed id have weed that got me stoned.

Stick around on rollitup and in no time you will be banging out 600grams a grow dude. Peace


Well-Known Member
Yer i subbed it but hurry up and get them growing. Im getting a 400w soon and changing from cfls, just got a high powered 6inch ruck for my grow box and when i get my 400w im gona go air cooled. Be good to see a few 400w grows before then, as i said hurry up and get growing dude. Peace
Yeah definitly need the air cooling, when I first got my 400 watt I only had a normal batwing reflector and jesus christ my tent shot up to 91 degrees within 30 minutes with an exhaust fan! I had to upgrade my fan to a 400CFM inline fan + the cooltube to get my temps stable at around 79ish


Well-Known Member
I've seen a scrog on youtube with a 400w that produced 450 g (hydro, ofc), the potential is definitely there but I'd expect it's mostly about experience and knowing your girls well, so while I wouldn't have a chance of getting that, you seem to have a lot more experience than me under your belt and could at the very least get closer to those kind of results. Either way that's more than a gram per watt so it's a really nice yield potential.

That's why I'm using a 600w though, what you lack in experience, make up for in 600w of burning fury!

I'm definitely coining that phrase
I bought all the crap to make a scrog until I realized how the hell will I change the Res ._.


Well-Known Member
Yeah definitly need the air cooling, when I first got my 400 watt I only had a normal batwing reflector and jesus christ my tent shot up to 91 degrees within 30 minutes with an exhaust fan! I had to upgrade my fan to a 400CFM inline fan + the cooltube to get my temps stable at around 79ish

Yer i just got my ruck fan today, 6inch high powered one even though my grow is only 75cmx75cmx120cm. I thought it would collapse the tent with all the negative air pressure on full but it didnt. I also got a stepped voltage fan speed controller from greens and really recomend one of these too, lowers noise at lower speeds plus if it hot just turn it up and visa versa. Best thing is that it will cool a big grow and few lights so when i upgrade to a bigger tent i'll already have the fan.

Pretty much just gona get the best equipment now as always done it on a small budget but time to double yeilds. I think im gona get the aircooled reflector over the cooltube. Cooltubes dont seem to have very big light spreads, some put their old reflector over the cooltube to increase the reflection.

Hps and mh seem dangerous to me, i always think theres gona be some kind of fire or somthing. Peace


Active Member
Yup, feeding becomes the hard part with a scrog, my own personal trick will be that my pots will be raised on make-shift stands, since i use soil i only have to worry about run-off, which means 1 cat litter tray below the stand which can be removed after feeding


Well-Known Member
Yup, feeding becomes the hard part with a scrog, my own personal trick will be that my pots will be raised on make-shift stands, since i use soil i only have to worry about run-off, which means 1 cat litter tray below the stand which can be removed after feeding
Yer i thought about this with my continuous sea of green as it can be a hassle getting the plants out sometimes, was gona get a pump to drain the trays as well so they didnt have to be moved but came to too much effort so never did it. Peace


Active Member
Yer i thought about this with my continuous sea of green as it can be a hassle getting the plants out sometimes, was gona get a pump to drain the trays as well so they didnt have to be moved but came to too much effort so never did it. Peace
Lol that's why I'm doing it simple and on the cheap, barbecue racks and cat litter trays, boys, it's the future. it's also gonna give me some extra wiggle room below the canopy with the extra height of those racks, which means easier trimming access. My only worry is if the barbecue racks heat up too much and raise my temps, but I doubt that'll be much of an issue


Well-Known Member

Yer i just got my ruck fan today, 6inch high powered one even though my grow is only 75cmx75cmx120cm. I thought it would collapse the tent with all the negative air pressure on full but it didnt. I also got a stepped voltage fan speed controller from greens and really recomend one of these too, lowers noise at lower speeds plus if it hot just turn it up and visa versa. Best thing is that it will cool a big grow and few lights so when i upgrade to a bigger tent i'll already have the fan.

Pretty much just gona get the best equipment now as always done it on a small budget but time to double yeilds. I think im gona get the aircooled reflector over the cooltube. Cooltubes dont seem to have very big light spreads, some put their old reflector over the cooltube to increase the reflection.

Hps and mh seem dangerous to me, i always think theres gona be some kind of fire or somthing. Peace
I have a air cooled hood it just has a glass tube too.

My tent is even smaller haha I did the same thing and got a speed controller i just run it at full speed though

No fires here yet luckily :-P


Well-Known Member
So guys what are your opinions on the cooltubes, obviously they can get real close to the tops of the plants but what about light spread over the grow? Thos small three inch reflectors dont look great on them compared to a normal reflector?

I was gona get the 'air cooled super nova' reflector -

It seems the best small reflector on the market but pricey, i did want a cool tube due to them being a lot smaller than the other reflectors though and would be easy to move around the grow when more light is required in certain places. If they sold them with decent reflectors i would definatly buy it as oppose to the one i want. Peace


Well-Known Member
Ah thats actually got a half decent relector on it, looks better than just a cool tube, i never see any for sale over here like that just standard tubes. Peace


Active Member
I don't think they're necessary but certainly a benefit in terms of temperature, from what I've heard of tubes though the light seems to lose some penetration. If I was gonna go air cooled I'd probably look for one without a tube based on that tbh because I imagine it's that part which would make it suffer.


Well-Known Member
You can take the tube out if you chose to, supposedly the lumen loss isnt that significant and it makes a huge diffrence in temps.