Is this normal?


1st post finally!

Ok first a little background info.

I am running a 3 x 6 flood table, with a 40gal Res. Running a SOG style grow, with 5x5" square pots (with holes up the sides). Pots are running Coco Coir, with about 50% pearlite with a small bit of stone on the bottom of the pot so that the Coco stays put. As for nutes, I am running Jacks classic 20-20-20, I throw in a little Maxi-Bloom (from a lucas run, gone horribly wrong). I usually get the res ppm to ~700, then Ph down to 5.9-6.3. I have the table flooding 1x per day, for 30 minutes.

Ok so that is out of the way, my question is, should I be noticing a drop of ppm in the res? The girls seem to be doing great! Although I seem to notice the ppm climbing rather than falling, I was under the impression that they would drop indicating that the girls are eating?

Oh please RIU gurus, shower me with your knowledge :)

Po boy

Well-Known Member
Jack's 20-20-20 works miracles. i use it through the entire grow, except for maybe two applications of blooming ferts, also Jack's. GL


Jack's 20-20-20 works miracles. i use it through the entire grow, except for maybe two applications of blooming ferts, also Jack's. GL
Since I am running it in a flood and drain, should I follow the directions and do 1/4 tsp per gallon due to them flooding everyday? That seems like an awfully small amount of nutes at 3.3 tbs for 40 gal.

Not sure if this helps, but my tap water is 165ppm.