Is this now a communist forum? WTF

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I am a legal grower in Michigan! I dodge NO helicopters! I sneak NO plants! I grow nothing illegally outdoors! I am completely legit according to state laws... It's not a hard thing to accomplish so please do it RIGHT and don't put my freedoms at risk because you want to break the law! PEACE OUT DUDE!!! GROW LEGAL OR DON'T GROW! Not in Michigan! We worked hard to have our rights!!! Don't get them taken away!
I am a legal grower in Michigan! I dodge NO helicopters! I sneak NO plants! I grow nothing illegally outdoors! I am completely legit according to state laws... It's not a hard thing to accomplish so please do it RIGHT and don't put my freedoms at risk because you want to break the law! PEACE OUT DUDE!!! GROW LEGAL OR DON'T GROW! Not in Michigan! We worked hard to have our rights!!! Don't get them taken away!

church is in
I am a legal grower in Michigan! I dodge NO helicopters! I sneak NO plants! I grow nothing illegally outdoors! I am completely legit according to state laws... It's not a hard thing to accomplish so please do it RIGHT and don't put my freedoms at risk because you want to break the law! PEACE OUT DUDE!!! GROW LEGAL OR DON'T GROW! Not in Michigan! We worked hard to have our rights!!! Don't get them taken away!

Precisely!! Exactly my thoughts.
Well Good Day!

I got high on my heri x vortex yesterday and was able to see a new perspective... what I saw.

What I saw was me entering a mans house by the name of Roll It Up. The man asked me to take off my shoes before entering his house. I told him no. The man named RIU asked me again and I said no. The man RIU replied you are welcome here but all you have to do is take off your shoes. I then told the man I will take off my shoes but I will keep my muddy socks on. Nothing was said.We both looked at each other for the longest time in the doorway. I broke the silence when I took off my socks. All was well and time went on.

That is what has happened. No diffrent from me asking someone the same thing. I yeild because of respect. This is not my house. I am a visitor. No free clones.
part of the reason it took forever is in 2010 uncle Ricky took all funding from the MMMP and ilegally had it swept into the general fund.

Now instead of the MMMP Department needing a new printer and just buying one out of the Dept Funds we are paying, the money for the printer needs to be requisitioned and appropriated by the States Finance Dept, which adds untold expense to the finale cost of the printer (that 800,000.00 printer probably realistically cost over a million by the time all the money used to fund the non MMMP Dept authorization of the printer). This also added likely no less than 60 days to the entire purchase process, opposed to the 2 or 3 days it would of taken had the Monies we pay to the MMMP Department to be apart of the MMMP Registry, was left in the MMMP Department and the MMMP Departments budget.

To me, this Smacks of Government Corruption, the blatant attack on the 08 MMMA Passes by a People initiative, and is highly indicative of the current state of termoil our Mi Cannabis Community is in, as well as the Law.

We need to rise as one Mi Cannabis Community, Join with all our Brother and Sister Citizens of Michigan and tell our State Republicans, Get the Fuck off our Civil Liberties.
Wait, marijuanas illeagle? I thought it was just as legit as killing for oil and then calling them terrorists for lashing back at the banks that run our gov't. Samwell, your a douche and Budist, If your so against illegal growing than stop taking credit for years of "illegal" breeding and start from hemp ya buttslut.

Your last line makes no sense nunchuk.

It would be the same as saying that considering you're so opposed to oil you should have to ride a bicycle.
So I can no longer offer free clones on this website? Instead of deleting the threads I post talk to me like a man. Who are you and WTF? I am sorry RIU that some do not need information on how to grow or neither do some of us need various stupid opinions from others. Some of your population of users are past that shit and so I wonder what the future of RIU will be if they are already limiting themselves.

Now I wanna give free clones to people that are hurting. What is your deal? Stand up for yourself RIU Leaders and have a little backbone. I will let you know when they knock on my door and say we have a warrant so you can delete delete delete. Grow up and grow a backbone. Shit if I aint afraid to break a nail why the hell are you?

My thread RIU put it back up and don't delete this one.

I thought that it had ALWAYS been the case that you couldn't openly talk about exchange or sale of seeds and clones and such. Would you rather the site owner had a backbone and subsequently got shut down?
Of course he's just ignoring it, he knows I'm right. Where else you gonna get your Indiana Bubble gum and your OG Kush and all that. And yeah, as far as oil goes, its disgusting. How many more tsunamis will it take to realise we're drilling too much oil? They got full tankers out there just floating around. We could easily be spending our trillion dollar oil war debt money on alternate energys like fuckin solar/hydrogen/perpetual/electric cars if it didn't threaten the oil company. Why do you think hemp is illeagle? Wake the fuck up man. Oh you got your growers card? Wow! I've been growin since you was justa nutstain in your mommas drawers. Just another kid, PSSHH!
Of course he's just ignoring it, he knows I'm right. Where else you gonna get your Indiana Bubble gum and your OG Kush and all that. And yeah, as far as oil goes, its disgusting. How many more tsunamis will it take to realise we're drilling too much oil? They got full tankers out there just floating around. We could easily be spending our trillion dollar oil war debt money on alternate energys like fuckin solar/hydrogen/perpetual/electric cars if it didn't threaten the oil company. Why do you think hemp is illeagle? Wake the fuck up man. Oh you got your growers card? Wow! I've been growin since you was justa nutstain in your mommas drawers. Just another kid, PSSHH!

You're jumping to an awful lot of conclusions there, champ. Where did I say drilling for more oil was something I supported? I didn't, you made that assumption.

I was simply pointing out to you that your reasoning was that of a 1'st grader ..... and unless you do peddle your ass around everywhere on a bicycle, my point stands.
You're jumping to an awful lot of conclusions there, champ. Where did I say drilling for more oil was something I supported? I didn't, you made that assumption.

I was simply pointing out to you that your reasoning was that of a 1'st grader ..... and unless you do peddle your ass around everywhere on a bicycle, my point stands.
I actually do have a pretty nice bicycle there sport. I also have a horse that runs on grass. That of a first grader... How I just find it funny how you "legal" growers think your better than everybody because you just recently jumped on the bandwagon. I could blow your puny little three ounce per plant hydroponic setup out of the water with full sun, organic outdoor. Free and natural, the way it was meant to be. Your growing a free and natural plant for personal gain, I see no honor in that. You are no better than mexican cartels. And just out of curiosity, what are you citiots backup plans if the economy collapses? Cannabolism?
YES!!!!!! Im going to eat all the rich people. they will feed me whether they like it or not. I actually think cannabis is whats bringing this economy out of the dump.
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