Is this nute burn? :S


just today started week six, after a full week of flowering (things got sketch so decided it was time)
watered at the start of flowering with recommended concentrations (7ml/L) of canna grow,
think theres small budding sites starting to come through on my top cola (on laptop so picture isn't the best, sorry :/)

cant be seen clearly but the plant on the right has as many secondary growths as the left, they're just not as long,

as can be seen, a few of the leaves on the left plant are going brown and dying, i had figured this was due to the upper leaves filtering out light, but now its happening on an upper leaf on the right plant, could this be nute burn?

been doing light LST (figured shorter and bushier would yield as well as tall) since they been tall enough (tying down and having grow horizontal, but this also increases growth along the stem, so i've been doing it for a few days, then lettin recover to vertical, then a few days, recover, few days, recover.

Left plant is currently on 6 nodes off the main stem, and right is on 5, but thats not including the cotyledon branches (each node has a secondary growth, some have gone off to start noding themselves, though the most is 2 at the moment.

twitter 6 weeks.jpg

2 questions:

1: IS the browning nute burn?
2: what can i do to ensure every node (on secondary growths and main stem) produce those gorgeous flowers we seek?

lighting under a 6400K (not ideal i know :/) 200 watt actual CFL, on 12/12 lighting

any thoughts would be welcome?




Well-Known Member
1) It definitely looks like nute burn. Burn happens on the edges of leaves where new roots are translocating nutrients to.

2)red light makes larger, more dense, and smellier nugget. Blue light makes tighter internode space, more dense chlorophyll, and frostier bud. Apical (main cola) dominance and cell elongation are stimulated by red light. With that in mind, and considering your set up, the best recommendation would likely be to add red light so that each branch under the canopy gets the best amount of red light to try and stretch its tip into the main grow light. But for future consideration you need to train your plant so that when you start flowering every branch that you want to be a gorgeous flower is even with the top canopy and has adequate room to grow into a top cola.
The most effective methods are FIMing, LST, or topping all depending on the strain genetics.


New Member
Leaf tips are the first sign of high doses. Once you see the tip brown back off the nutes a 100 ppm at a time until you see the tips green on the new growth. Record everything.



thanks for all the feedback! okay, watered them today with 4 ml in 3 liters (serious cutback from what they were on)
Unfortunately this time round i can't afford the red light :/ will there be a problem? or will i still get smokeable buds from this? (growing for myself (Fed up of getting ripped off by dealers))


Well-Known Member
Bud quality goes up with blue light but yield goes up with red light. I've had strains regularly give 20 oz/1000w with hps give only 12 oz/1000w under MH (blue). But under blue light the nuggets are way more frosty, not as flavorful but definitely frostier and they finish at least two weeks earlier (these results were under HID but similar spectrum should have similar responses. If there is no way to get additional red light shoot for some under canopy lighting