Of the four plants, I only know one of them is Dutch Cheese (caint remember sheeyut). All of them are sativa/indica mixes so that sounds kinda hybriddy to me. -- Oh, the agonies. I did a sort of half-hearted flush the other day because I wasn*t sure that I'd over-fertilized them. I read that organic fertilizers can't damage your plants. I'm using simple-bimple Plagron Terra Grow and Alga Grow from Amsterdam. I haven't figured out what the diff is really.
Anyway, after the half-hearted flush, I made really sure that the pH was looking at least direction 6.5 -- I'm so confused with the flood of info. One person says make it 7 another says 6. So I just pray and aim at a little above 6.
Now, my plants are in these 11 liter pots and I*ve read that they don't like their roots to be crowded. Then someone here told me that it depends on the plant. Sounds logical, but it's all starting to sound like I need a college education in botany. But it's okay, I'm not worrying about it. Enjoying seeing those rascals jest a growin.