Is this over watering...or something else?


Active Member
The Blue Mystic has actually been the best looking of the three I've got growing. The Short Riders are finally taking off, but you can see the yellow on the lower leaf sets that were giving me cause for concern. The AK48s have been the trouble makers, and I heard that was supposed to be a pretty tough strain. The one AK is recovering nicely from the rash of brown spots and looks pretty good now that they've been trimmed off. The other AK is still pretty leggy but starting to show some growth on the lower branches that should hopefully become 2 of 4 colas. I don't know why that AK is so spindly as it gets the same conditions as the other AK right next to it. No guarantee that two seeds are going to produce the same type plant - the narrower leaf of the taller AK shows the inconsistancies of hybrids. In any case, since this is my first grow, I figure any harvest will be a good harvest!


Active Member
Here they are on day 35...(except for the little one that is a Blue Mystic only 29 days old and topped five days ago). Do they look ok? The Short Riders and AK48s are adding about a half inch height per day now. They're gonna need water in a day or so...should I give em a light feeding too? LOL-Yeah, I know those strips of white board are lame - just a quick fix to help reflect more light to the lowest leaf sets. I plan to make up some full white skirts for them tomorrow.




Active Member
Looks pretty good over all. Some of your issues could stem from the MG. I wont touch that stuff after it burned me as a newbie. I go with Happy Frog then Ocean Forrest. Some of your burnt tips might meen nute burn. Be careful not to over feed....what nutes are you using? Dont tell me miracle


Active Member
Only had nutes once - a very dilute dose of Schultz 10-15-10. They seemed to like it fine. Since repotting from the party cups, they have had just that first feed - and no sign of any further problems. The yellow leaves are all on the bottom early growth. The new growth is looking healthy and green.


Active Member
Nice...a repotting always makes a big difference. They start slow though due to roots reaching out into the new bigger pot....but then hang on! Should see some big growth over the next two weeks. Lets see some pics this week... :)


Active Member
Here are the girls (I hope) on day 42 (except for the second pic of the Blue Mystic that is only 36 days old). They are shown in the same order as the last photos above so you can compare growth. I think they're showing some good progress for just another weeks time. The one Short Rider seems to be a bit touchy and droops easily. It has some damage from light burn too where it grew up into the light one day during a growth spurt. The spindly AK is finally filling out and reaching up with the shorter two colas. Everything is sprouting new leaves from every node, so I think they'll be bulking up soon. The last two pics are the cloned tops of an AK48 and Blue Mystic 11 days after they started regrowth from rooting. I topped both Blue Mystics and AK48s but left the Short Riders untopped as they are supposed to be autoflowers. I think I'll give them a mild dose of nutes tomorrow - do you think it's okay to feed the cloned tops then too? They're growing fast, but I'd like them to catch up some so I can put everyone into flower together at 8 weeks. Another two weeks veg and then we'll see how many end up showing female...



I am growing a autoflower also and they suggested that at like 3 weeks to start feeding her a light diet of higher P-K neuts to induce the flowering stage. So thats what i did and its like 2 weeks into flower mode and showing good signs


Active Member
Pics are from a cheap cell phone. Thats what size they show up when I download here - have to figure out how to change size on em.


Active Member
Here is my closet garden on day 49. I plan to switch them into flower next week when they reach their 8week birthday. They have been making good progress, some growing as much as an inch in just one day! At last measure, the tallest was over 15inches - that means it will likely end up around three feet tall in flower if it continues to grow fast in its last week of veg. Even the cloned tops are growing like mad. They are almost the same size as the smallest of the original 6 plants. The photos should be bigger here, and are in the same order as those above, for easy comparison.



Active Member
Once I switch to flower, do I need to wait for them to get used to the 12/12 before I give them nutes again? I've been using Schultz 10-15-10 for several weeks, but I got a bottle of FF Big Bloom for them in flowering. Should I change to the bloom nutes right away - and do I need to feed very dilute strength again with the new nutes, or can I go with a stronger dose like they've been built up to on the Schultz?


Active Member
Can I re-pot the girls as soon as they show sex, or will it stress them too much and cause them to hermie? Should I wait a little while into flower before I put them into the big pots instead?


Active Member
Yeah I would give them the FF Big Bloom at a reduced strength at first to see how they handle it. It is pretty potent stuff. Once they get a shot in them and do ok then you can go to a stronger dosage. As far as transplanting I would transfer them into larger pots before you flower to give them time to adjust. You really dont want to transplant during flowering as this is the most critical time for the plants. What size are you in now and what do you plan to go to? How bix is your grow box and what lights are you using?

big bee

Can I re-pot the girls as soon as they show sex, or will it stress them too much and cause them to hermie? Should I wait a little while into flower before I put them into the big pots instead?
if a plant needs to be transplanted you should do it. make sure you read up on transplanting techniques to minimise stress to the plant