is this over watering???


Active Member
hi all, just wondering whats wrong with my plants whether its overe watering or something else.. many thanks if u take a look and give me ur knowledge


RIU Bulldog
40 views and noone knows??
It's hard to tell anything from those sorry pics you gave us. If your talking about the leaves drooping then yes its a sign of over watering. Its also a sign under watering so...need better pics.
Then again its a natural process for your leaves to droop slightly occassionally, but then they strech for the light again eventually.


Well-Known Member
Looks pretty normal to me. You will know when youve seriously overwatered.... Some plants droop from leaf weight or sometimes when the lights go out they will also. They are pretty much relaxing in a sense.


Active Member
thanks guys yeah i ment the leaves drooping, im using flood and drain in clay pebbles and im worried about the roots drying out so i been flooding 3 times a day for 10 mins a time