Is this Phosphorus defiency in seedling?? Urgent!!!!!



  • Hello everybody!

    This seedling is a White Dragon (100% Indica) about 12 days from germinating.

    Medium: 30% Peat, 30% Worm Castings, 30% Perlite
    150 W HP Sodium
    Ventilating Fan
    No feeding yet
    11 Litres Pot (3 Gallons)

    I think its some kind of burn, y had the 150 W HPS at about 20 cms (7,5 Inches) away from the seedling for about 5 days. Now the lamp is about 45 - 50 cm (19,5 Inches).

    The new growth has been great but as you can see in one of the pictures the second pair of true leaves is starting to have some weird color. As of day 8 y switched the HPS to a 150 W Metal Halide.

    I posted the message above about 14 hours ago, but as i said the lamp is now 50 cms (20 inches away) so i think its not the problem anymore. I started researching and it looks a little like phosphorus defiency, but not quite sure.

    Thanks and continue smokin!


This is a picture from last night, you can see the beginning of the spots to start forming.

Paint prob.jpg

This is how it got when i woke up. The leaf is also curling up
paint probl 2.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks like phos def to me. Raise your nutes a little see if it gets better. Sometimes small plants that are driven hard synthesize more nutrients than they can uptake.


Hey, thanks for the help.

The problem just got worse. Now the leaves are twisting and curling, please help, the plant is about to die.
May it be a nute lock? I havent measured the ph but I use tap water and I know the ph is near 7,8.


Sativa Dragon

Active Member
You prolly locked it out with the PH being to high, you should always PH your water, to fix, ph some tap water, and flush it well.

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
Get pH under control is rule #1. You almost have a soilless medium there with that much perlite and peat, pH should be low 6s. You are early in, grab a good ph meter and start flushing properly phed water like Dragon says until that soil gets near 6-6.5. Peat and perlite have no nutes, worm casting have some N so after 12 days you should either be transplanting into larger pots with fresh soil or begin feeding weak veg nutes.


Well-Known Member
You cooked the seedlings when you had the hps 7" from them at the start. Cant be fixed just remember this and learn by it.


Active Member
When you use anything to feed your plants such as worm castings, and you keep your soil wet by trying to adjust this ph, and that. You will in effect, overdose your plants when they are very small. You heard right, you overdosed them by watering to often. This also happens when you transplant a plant into soil with composted material. If the plant isn't dry, compleately throughout when you transplant it . Then water afterword. It gets very wet. It takes too long to dry so this already stressed plant continues to feed and feed. It starts getting a little overdosed , then some idiot tells you you should flush right away. So you do, now it's saturated and will eventually lock out. If it starts to come back, you start throwing nutes from some bottle at it because you think you have a deficientcy. All of this is senseless. More often than not. If you try to continue on with these burnt to a crisp plants, you will end up with another post on the forum. "Help I think my plants have gone hermi." Over stressed plants are hermi magnets. Best bet is start fresh. If you wan't to continue on with these to practice saving them, go ahead for the sake of experience. But you may end up with more EXPERIENCE than you wan't to deal with. These are young but won't make it, the damage is done. And can't be reversed. If you some how get them to perform it would be truelly sensational. As well as the most stable strain ever. Also keep in mind some peat is highly acidic and some strains do not perform well in it. This is why it is sometimes hard to get some strains to clone well in peat pots (jiffypot). Good luck to you and your grow. The melungeonman.


Well-Known Member
All the above info is great but it looks more ph problem than anything. If your soil was waterlogged them the plants would be droopy.

The PH meter is one of your most important tools, next to the PPM meter.

A GOOD ph meter is about $50. I have tried several and the ph pens from HG? Seem to last the longest and don't float to much.

Do NOT buy one of those cheap ass milwaukie meters on fleebay.

Also, but the calibration solution at the same time and use it.
