Is this Plant a Hermaphrodite ? Need help asap


Active Member
I see only flowers and hell of a lot trychomes. Perhaps post a better macro picture? (If you don't have better optics, just put your digital/slr camera under a fresnel lens or a magnifier in worst case).


Well-Known Member
Agreed with above comment.The picture does not allow one to tell.I would say those bitches are ready to take down though


Active Member

This is as good as i can get. I need to know this is a 3 person operation and one person has said to have cut and thrown away this plant.
Now im back tracking to these photo's so that i can obtain thoughts on weather these are female or Hermaphrodite.


Well-Known Member
do you have earlier shots from when they were first flowering? That would be easier to examine


Active Member
At this moment i do not have any other photos. Me and my fellow grower thought this was a female hands down. Now that we are out of town we have heard it has been cut down and thrown away because it was a Hermaphrodite. This is a tragedy.


Well-Known Member
The plant looks fine to me. If the plant has both male and female organs than it's a hermaphrodite. Take a close look at it. Does it have pollen sacks? They should look like balls. If it does than it's a hermi.

simple grower

Well-Known Member
sounds to me as if you got rorted.heres a pic of a REAL hermie,see the male pods(flowers)you can tell if there hermie easily,no mistake!!!

