Is This Plant Dro or Regular Weed Help?

There is 1 strain called dro. Dro is damn near any weed grown indoors. I grow in soil. I call mine dro. If i dont what should i call it. One cant tell the difference.

dude. umm. there might be a strain called dro? idk never heard of it. so i can't say nothing bout that. but dro is NOT a strain. it simply means that it is hydroponically grown in a hydroponic system. which is SOIL-LESS, and you said you used soil? so yo shit ain't dro. sorry bruh. and another thing you can tell the difference between soil and hydro weed. because soil is organic and hydro is most likely chemical ferts. dude don't post shit if you don't know what you're talking about :evil:
that some nice looking bat shit you have there. Got some dank aquaponics , but with a name like that it prolly won't sell very well.
dude. umm. there might be a strain called dro? idk never heard of it. so i can't say nothing bout that. but dro is NOT a strain. it simply means that it is hydroponically grown in a hydroponic system. which is SOIL-LESS, and you said you used soil? so yo shit ain't dro. sorry bruh. and another thing you can tell the difference between soil and hydro weed. because soil is organic and hydro is most likely chemical ferts. dude don't post shit if you don't know what you're talking about :evil:

Just because it is in soil does not make it organic. Little more to it than that.
As someone who loves aquaponics please get it right. He is growing in hydroponics not aquaponics. I don't know anyone that would use aquaponics indoors.

that some nice looking bat shit you have there. Got some dank aquaponics , but with a name like that it prolly won't sell very well.
the portion of the earth's surface consisting of disintegrated rock and humus.

–noun ( used with a singular verb )
the cultivation of plants by placing the roots in liquid nutrient solutions rather than in soil; soilless growth of plants.

(pronounced: /ˈækwəˈpɒnɨks/)
is a sustainable food production system that combines a traditional aquaculture (raising aquatic animals such as fish, crayfish or prawns in tanks) with hydroponics (cultivating plants in water) in a symbiotic environmen
@ chancelee8338
There are plenty of synthetic furts on the market for soil as is plenty of organic ferts on the market for hydoponics, so how are you going to jump down someones throat saying "don't be posting shit you know nothing about" when you my friend have no clue what you are talking about.
@ chancelee8338
There are plenty of synthetic furts on the market for soil as is plenty of organic ferts on the market for hydoponics, so how are you going to jump down someones throat saying "don't be posting shit you know nothing about" when you my friend have no clue what you are talking about.

I basically said that without being so
As someone who loves aquaponics please get it right. He is growing in hydroponics not aquaponics. I don't know anyone that would use aquaponics indoors.

Thanks for helping people that do not understand the difference between the 3. Who is it that is growing in hydroponics that you speak of? Bat shit never mentioned what type of medium he was using, only the OP stated he was growing in soil.
Right there it was suggested that the grow was aquaponics when you probably meant hydroponics. I am the only one I've known that has grown in Aquaponics so found it highly unlikely. Not to mention, based on the picture it wasn't probable to have such a low clearance aquaponic set up

that some nice looking bat shit you have there. Got some dank aquaponics , but with a name like that it prolly won't sell very well.

No, no they don't.

He OP is growing in soil. And plenty of people do aquaponics indoors..
Wow i havent heard the word dro used since like 97 lol i got a new word im bringing it back hahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!