Is this plant ready ?? its tiny i know ^_^


Ursus marijanus
dont feel sorry 4 me help me
I believe your first lesson is ... do some reading on soils and select a better one next time.
The next, once you have a happy match of of plant and medium, is securing and operating good light sources.
It's a hobby like any other, and there's a learning curve and a set of basic concepts one needs to know.
Please do not mistake this post for derision. You have the power to empower yourself. We outsiders can nudge and point, but not pull. cn


I believe your first lesson is ... do some reading on soils and select a better one next time.
The next, once you have a happy match of of plant and medium, is securing and operating good light sources.
It's a hobby like any other, and there's a learning curve and a set of basic concepts one needs to know.
Please do not mistake this post for derision. You have the power to empower yourself. We outsiders can nudge and point, but not pull. cn
well its calterra potting soil it quality soil. perhaps i should send a pic of the bag ?? that might help. maybe its the wrong kind of soil. i was growing on a budget. it is organic and has manure in. i agree with the light i know ive neglected to give it light


Well-Known Member
Never feed it nutes while it's in flower, it ruins the taste and adds toxins to the bud.
You have a nice small plant, how long did it take to grow (From germ.)??
If the trichromes are amber/brown it's time to cut.
If you can, get a hold of some rain water, don't wait, feed it the rain water as soon as you get it or the pH might lower, that's natural pH, better than feeding it MG in this stage...
IMO, give it it 24 hours of light, then let it sit in the dark for 36-48 hours. After that you'll have some very dank bud, and it'll be ready to cut down.

Good luck to ya, make sure you give it a good cure.
No nutes in flower? How do you get your plants to produce bud then lol? In flower you need bloom nutes. Just chop the thing man haha Gain some knowledge and save some money up for a good tent setup or something :)


Well i have a nice plastic box with two fans on it. its about 120ltrs big 2 feet tall maybe a bit more. inside is wrapped in white paper to reflect light , if i take the top off during the day i can get sunlight through the window directly on the plant


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Im saying from the pictures it looks like they need 3 more weeks since only been in flower 5 weeks... Very few strains can be done with only 5 weeks of flower and those are pure indica strains which have to be grown usually aeroponically to be done that fast. In soil all strains will need at least 7 to 12 weeks of flower time.


Ursus marijanus
well its calterra potting soil it quality soil. perhaps i should send a pic of the bag ?? that might help. maybe its the wrong kind of soil. i was growing on a budget. it is organic and has manure in. i agree with the light i know ive neglected to give it light
I don't know what y'all have available in Zuidafrika, if I read your location right. Here Stateside I am a big fan of Fox Farm soils, notably Happy Frog. it has the right nute package to see you through the vegetative phase, but you'll need to feed for late veg and flower. It's probable imo that you had a similar situation ... and ran out of soil nutrition some weeks ago. At that point you'll want to choose between organic feeds, like bone meal and bat splat ... and nonorganics like liquid preparations for hydroponics. My expertise and comfort zone lies with the nonorganics. cn

<edit> shameless plug.


Im saying from the pictures it looks like they need 3 more weeks since only been in flower 5 weeks... Very few strains can be done with only 5 weeks of flower and those are pure indica strains which have to be grown usually aeroponically to be done that fast. In soil all strains will need at least 7 to 12 weeks of flower time.
I see what u saying however the plant doesnt look like it can get bigger ? i hope im wrong. cuz like all the trichomes are brown hardly any brown. if i give it another 2-3 weeks will it get bigger ?? more dank ?? wat if they trichimes get too brown. im not 100% sure of its age . thanks for helping me i appreciate it alot. Keep it comming please all help is good even critisism .


I don't know what y'all have available in Zuidafrika, if I read your location right. Here Stateside I am a big fan of Fox Farm soils, notably Happy Frog. it has the right nute package to see you through the vegetative phase, but you'll need to feed for late veg and flower. It's probable imo that you had a similar situation ... and ran out of soil nutrition some weeks ago. At that point you'll want to choose between organic feeds, like bone meal and bat splat ... and nonorganics like liquid preparations for hydroponics. My expertise and comfort zone lies with the nonorganics. cn

<edit> shameless plug.
  • Zuidafrika is right. it means south africa :) (if anyone is confused) we dont have a massive profuct selection like u guys have but its not so limited. alot of self grow products are available etc at nurserys. we have massive plant nurseries here.
    My soil mix says it will last 5 months on the bag its higher in p then k its basically for veg i didnt change it. i dont want to transplant too much i dont like doing it. I have another post with my collection of plants the othere are 1 foot or more and budding.



Well-Known Member
I see what u saying however the plant doesnt look like it can get bigger ? i hope im wrong. cuz like all the trichomes are brown hardly any brown. if i give it another 2-3 weeks will it get bigger ?? more dank ?? wat if they trichimes get too brown. im not 100% sure of its age . thanks for helping me i appreciate it alot. Keep it comming please all help is good even critisism .
If you leave it too long you will end up with bananas and it will self pollinate. There is two ways you can really tell if its ready. One being if the trich's are two thirds brown or you could buy a little hand held microscope and work it that way(which is a more accurate way to tell). I think your pot size will hold you back to mate. If your growing outdoor's it would be better to dig a big ass hole and fill it up with your soil and your plants should grow bigger then. You also need a soil that's high in N too.


Active Member
Buy some CFL lights. Use that box you said you had and mount them inside, get at least 100 watts (actual watts, NOT equivalent watts) and your baby will start growing like never before. try to get your hands on some seeds, doesnt matter if its from shitty ass bud, and try to start a new grow doing everything right.
buy perlite to mix into your soil, its ike $4 for a bag at home depot
Get some 42w lights, i think theyre like $18 or so, get at least 2 or 3. Either that or get smaller wattage lights with varying Kelvin spectrums, just make sure you have at least 100w actual watts.
Get a timer!! you can usually get one for $10
Get some nutes, whether it be organic or synthetic youre gonna need them. I went with general hydroponics maxigrow and maxibloom, they have been working awesome for me.

You have a lot of reading to do if you seriously want to grow some bud that is worth the time


If you leave it too long you will end up with bananas and it will self pollinate. There is two ways you can really tell if its ready. One being if the trich's are two thirds brown or you could buy a little hand held microscope and work it that way(which is a more accurate way to tell).
Yes i plan on getting a nice 3-x at least micro scope. i nice one not shit i hate cheat stuff.
I was scared of exactly wat u said happening. im scared if i wait too long it will be a banana as u say ^_^


Buy some CFL lights. Use that box you said you had and mount them inside, get at least 100 watts (actual watts, NOT equivalent watts) and your baby will start growing like never before. try to get your hands on some seeds, doesnt matter if its from shitty ass bud, and try to start a new grow doing everything right.
buy perlite to mix into your soil, its ike $4 for a bag at home depot
Get some 42w lights, i think theyre like $18 or so, get at least 2 or 3. Either that or get smaller wattage lights with varying Kelvin spectrums, just make sure you have at least 100w actual watts.
Get a timer!! you can usually get one for $10
Get some nutes, whether it be organic or synthetic youre gonna need them. I went with general hydroponics maxigrow and maxibloom, they have been working awesome for me.

You have a lot of reading to do if you seriously want to grow some bud that is worth the time
I have a timer and cfl lights 2 broke they were freaking ozrams wtf, i have 2 i got from the local food market their own brand and well they bluddy good. i can get max 23w globes i had 90W cfl. yes i know about real watt vs cfl watts and about the lumens i studied that like hell.


Oh im lucky about on things the weed heres good if u know where to go else its mostly shit they try rip u off with. i have some really nice seeds. sits mang kush or something. its bag seed smells like fruit and high qaulity. i have some pictures of it and of other weed i have bought ill send them in another post if u wanna see ?? i have it weighed and everything like on the scale qauility pics

please help me on my other plants here they are with pics


if i plat it right in the ground im going to have to tie it down and grow it vertically. its under a big tree i hope it gets enough light, morning light is there and theres alot of late day light. middayits shady but not massively shady. i think its ok ?


ive seen ppl grow massive plants in tiny lil kiddies party cups. how ?? i dont wanna do that im just wondering how.


New Member
No nutes in flower? How do you get your plants to produce bud then lol? In flower you need bloom nutes. Just chop the thing man haha Gain some knowledge and save some money up for a good tent setup or something :)

So you're saying nutrients is what produces bud? Not the fact that the female plant is in the stage of pollination and is trying to pollinate? I mean, that's just what I've been taught...
You don't need too much knowledge, nor a good setup to grow.