Is this plant ready to test a bud out


Active Member
sory to say man but she aint ready and nobody worth there salt would say otherwise ! she as a few more weeks at least 2 mayb 3 its hard to tell how urs r maturing at this time ! try forget about time frame and start looking at other peeps grows of completed bud and u will get the idea, when all them white pistols av receeded back into the bud at which time most hiars/pistols will of gone brown, peeps say harvest when the hairs are 50/60% brown but me i waited untill like a sed all the hairs of gone back into the bud and then ur close, urs are still growing new pistols, so aminimum of 2 weeks but man it could be more like 3 or 4 and it dont matter what the seed supliers claim as regarding how long each plant takes to flower as these are under optimal conditions when all is dialed in corectly, so if they say 8 weeks of 12/12 then just use that as a guide and she will b done when she's done if u no wat i mean ! as regards quick drying for a little taster of ur hard work ,well its just a waste of good bud, u can microwave it heat it in the oven leave in paper lots of quick dryin methods but i wonnt waste any more good weed doin this as u need to use 3 times as much for a inferior joint,, once that shit as bin dried over a week or so then cured in a jar remembering to open the jar each day for a minuite to exchange the air then it will b a lot more potent than anythink ur gonna get from it through quick drying methods. good look and grow on man, there lookin good so ur on ya way to a nice smoke. peace !



Well-Known Member
Thank guys I will definitly take your advice and let it grow another few weeks This girl will definitly not touch those girls till there good and ready!!


Active Member

I dont know how long u have been in flower but this is mine 9 weeks into flower and imma give her another week maybe 2


Active Member
Im wondering if my plant is at a stage where I can safely test a bUd out and how to go about that. How to cut and dry if my plant is at the stage where I can safely test :leaf:
good to see more female growers round here,,,other than ur plants not being ready u av done a fine job so far and now u no its a patience game for a lil bit longer but be assued they will b dam fine when there finished correctly !!! i mentioned about doin testers being a waste of time, and i stick by this as when u have smoked what u av grown u will think back to all the good bud u could of wasted by notgoing through the correct drying n curing proccess,, i no its hard to resist but untill all the water moisture as been removed from the bud then andonly then do u get the hit that u grew for in the first place,, the thc trichomes are non active when they have water in them once dried correctly then the thc becomes active, so in my opinion quick dryin aint gonna remove all the moisture unless u cook it up to shit using microwave or oven etc and that is criminal to good bud,lol , let the thc become active over a week or so of drying and then u can start to chong away y the majority of ur bud is curing in a jar !!!! again ur doin a fine job, mash up time for u very soon. peace out !!!


Well-Known Member
I say go ahead a try some. Clean out those lower "popcorn" size buds and smoke them, the the plant will redirect the nutrients to the upper colas which will grow bigger because of the extra nutrients available. The high will be totally different from the finished product though, but you will get a good idea at what the potency will be.


Well-Known Member
I would love to dry the smaller ones but I think im gonna wait another two weeks or so and its soooooooooooooo hard to wait cause I havent smoked any good bud in a long time!! On the plant on the lower branches are tiny buds, Could I take and trim those branches wil it really redirect to the bigger buds?


Well-Known Member
Look at it this way, what you cut now would have probably doubled in size and tripled in potency had you left it alone.

it's yours to waste, do what you will......


Well-Known Member
yea you wanna wait till it at least looks like decent buds before sampling.

WHat i do if i take a sample is take one of the smaller bottom buds (never take a large bud or cola thats a waste). cut just the bud not the branch.


Well-Known Member
Ya Im a newbie and pround of It!!!! Least Im willing to listen and take some great advice Frmrboi!! lol Its a learning process and I will be come a better grower thanks to this site and some nice ass bud smokers lol


Well-Known Member
i say wait two weeks so you are not smoking petty much grass and then test out the lower buds that will turn into hardly anything. then the plant will just focus on making your bigger buds bigger and more potent