Is this PM or bird pooh?

Mealybugs suck sap.

Mealybugs suck, period.
Looks like a f---ing alien parasite.

Thanks for those great pics and diagnosis @Sigourney_GG4.

Great warning signs.
Now I know what to keep an eye out for.
Easy fix . Isopropyl alcohol

I already use a mister spray on my outdoor for spider mites:
- cayenne pepper
- fresh chilli
- crushed garlic in oil

I blender that in some water.

Then strain.
- then add liquid dishwasher

I did a quick google ... (for mealybug solutions)
... for sure the isopropyl shows up at the top
... but the cayenne / chili / garlic also gets some nods

Hopefully my earlier spider mite sprays will have made conditions inhospitable.
If I do spot the mealy monsters, I will probably use the same.

If they get a foothold ... I'll hit them with the isopropyl.
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