is this rare or what!!!!!!!!!!!

everyone is bitching at me saying that my plants are over watered and i just happened to take my pics right i after i watered them.... damn it i need to hit my
lol i love this site ;) now if youll excuse me i need to go bring in the rest of my supplies seeing as its 12:30 in the morning :p
"abner abner the the boy next door is bringing in garden supplies at 1am!"

"glagys, it took me 2 hours to get the courage to rent this porno now are you gonna watch it with me or not?"

haha, sorry i had to. now lets get back to this grow! :p
You've really done it this time Sam!!

:lol: I'm on fire!! No wait... I am on fire.... HELP!! (cough cough) dang chinese bongs....

I actually knew Liz Montgomery's brother. he went to my wedding...:lol:
everyone is bitching at me saying that my plants are over watered and i just happened to take my pics right i after i watered them.... damn it i need to hit my
No one's bitchin you asked for advice. It's not the soil it's the plant telling us it's getting too much water. When you transplant get a good soil mix with some perlite.
plus i was going to vegg in these containers for about another 4 weeks and then i am going to do a outdoor LST grow.. which will also be posted ....