is this rare or what!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh yah.... that sounds like a good thing to do. Soil is the foundation....and affects a plant greatly...perhaps more than anything else.
plus is there a way to make my plants go into flowering before they ever should... need to know what they are before i let them get to big...
i think you already have your answer
1n = 10 chromosomes (haploid, one leaf set. This is the only NON polyploid)
2n = 20 chromosomes (diploid, at this point the plant is SCIENTIFICALLY a polyploid. The WORD polyploid means "at least 2x more chromosomes than haploid".)
3n - 30 chromosomes (triploid)
oh. just top it above the second true node, then train it to stay under 4 feet. ie tying the 4 main colas down and outward. this will greatly increase yield and would meet your height requirements. or you can top and lst. i just dont like the thought of lst'ing
:lol: too small to grow outdoors huh... what are you smoking?


Think these were all started indoors? :wink:
i dont know everything but last year i started seeds inside but after they sprouted i put them outside in the ground and it ended up to be a 7 ft female i got around 5 ozs dryed
but i dont want it to be 4 foot high i want it to be no more then 4 foot along the ground got to remember that i am doing a outdoor LST
You can gain an advantage by growing indoors EARLY in the season because of outside cold...if you live up north.

Other than that...there is no advantage. The sun will power that plant and give it far more than any artificial light can...which are all anemic compared to sunlight....absolutely anemic. Nothing can match the sun.

Down south....unless you have no property indoor growing is pointless. Maybe a winter crop, but that's it. Outside will ALWAYS outproduce inside.
i knew that but the thing is i have no land i live in KY and there is no chance of frost right now or for the rest of the year... but i times it today my plants started geting full sun around 3:15 so it gets about 4 to 5 hours of sun a day will this help keep it from growing over and geting to big
I'm just saying....mainly to the other poster, that starting outdoors does not mean u r going to end up wih a small plant. You can start from a seed outside and easily grow a tree.
well i look at it like this if weed wont grow much or large outside then how before did it grow and re-produce its self plus its not called tree for noting and its also not called weed for no reason they are know for growing super big outside and they grow pretty quick outside... but cracker is my plants get only 4 to 6 hours of direct light going to help me keep it small
Of course...most of the worlds weed comes from outdoor's what got weed here in the first place.

You'll find that online there is just as much misinformation as there is good information. :wink:


The only reason indoor is popular at all is because weed is illegal. If it gets legal at some point...only ppl with zero land will do it. Indoor growing will go the way of the DoDo bird. It will become a niche market and outdoor will be king....and rightfully so, since it's best and yields the most.

Nothing can match the powah of the sun.
i planted seeds outdoor in the ground and had a 7 foot monster female... but still i need to know if 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight is going to help keep my plant a lil smaller then 9 hours of direct sun and i was wondering if shade is bad for them
The more sun the better. That being said... it is preferable to have some "passing" shade on them. It makes the plants reach for the sun.

I live in the deep south so I have heat/humidity issues. I find it best to have the plants get morning sun and passing shade in the late afternoon.