is this ready yet?


Well-Known Member
outdoor grapefruit diesel. is it ready yet? :?

IMG_4144.jpg IMG_4145.jpg IMG_4146.jpg IMG_4151.jpg

anyone who comes in here and tells me to "use a 100x scope" will get -repped. :fire:


Well-Known Member
Are u being serious m8y 39 thousand posts and ur askin is the pics of ur weed ready??? Looks ready to me but ya might wanna use a x100 scope just ta make sure lol jk jk


Well-Known Member
About ready, technically you could pick now, but the trichs aren't very amber yet, might want to wait until you see them brown up a bit.


Well-Known Member
2 more weeks, like a well ripe bud that's throwing out the last of her juice , but allways on the look out 4 mold.!