Is this ready

let it go another week or at least 1 more flush of plain water. it looks like she could pack on a little more weight. looking very good
racerboy71 post: 10490654 said:
nah, not really that close imo.. looks good, but easily has a few more weeks on it.. i still see lots of white hairs that haven't receded back into the buds yet, which is one sign that it's still not ready..
I agree with racerboy71. Let it go for about a week and a half then decide if you want to flower longer and wait to harvest... :)
Once you have that many necrotic leaves on one plant, I don't understand the point of waiting a few weeks to harvest.

How long have they been flowering? In my experience, after 7 weeks or so, early or not, those flowers will still work fine.
looks like you overdid the phosphorous. the toxicity causes a lockout. try giving a light shot of nitrogen, no bloom booster. if the flowers start to go necrotic, they're dead, and you might as well pull em. damage doesn't heal. i've seen worse make it to finish though...
the pistils and calyxes will go brown/necrotic/dry. so far, buds look good. i'd leave it and wait. patience is a virtue. they don't look THAT bad.