is this right **pics**

hey peps 8 weeks flowering skunk growth has slowed way down an leafs vains r turning goldish brown an working there way out eventually drying the whole leaf this started at the cola now on its way down all the white hairs still havent started changeing color my buddy says thanks for the help he really needs it



Active Member
The first thing I want to ask is are the bulbs as close to the plant as they look, or is it the camera angle? If you're not cooking it with heat, what are you feeding it?

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
my guess - overwatering, underventing and some temp and humidity issues.

The lights aren't too close as there are no burns or bleaches on the leaves\buds. If theres an issue they are too far.

Beside that, your plant looks normal for its stage. The leaves should start dying as its nearing the end of its life cicle.
You don't give it enough Nitrogen to keep the leaves green throughout its life, but you don't need the leaves that much when its done, don't you?

Watch closely for any bud-rot at this stage.
my temp is 75 f in day an 50f night humitiy between 15 an 45 i have one bathroom exhaust fan at top an fan on bottom bring air in in a 3by3by 5 tall box i have 4 70 watt hps 1 150 hps an 1 400 mh


Active Member
Just looked like the bulb was right on it to me. My plants usually have pretty alive looking leaves until i kill them myself, If that was the only food you were giving her it might be worth trying something with a bit of N and a bit less P next round.


Active Member
Read other threads regarding flushing. Many feel that this practice deprives the plant of needed nutrients, and many feel that it removes foul tastes. I let it go until my trichs are a mostly cloudy but it is a personal preference.