Is this root rot? :(


Well-Known Member
What are your fluid temps?

How much oxygen you got pumping in there?

Touch roots with clean hands... Any slimey feel on the roots? Any nasty smell coming from your res?

If your res is cold and you have lots of oxygen bubbles, it's probably not rot.


Im usinng the real culture current undercurrent system with water temps at 70-75f, ppms 630 ( RO system ) ph 5.7 and here is the hungles with the wilted one replaced. I had to cut some roots with hears for the old plant because the got tangled. Btw I have 2 air stones in each barrel. I think your right for I looked on the internet and I didnt see and pics that matcched mine unless mine is very early stages. P1000660.jpg

Thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
Dude, your plants look great. You don't have root rot.

Just keep your water cool as you've been doing. If you want, you can flush with a bit of h202 between water changes to help keep things clean.


Thank you so much! People had me freaking out. Im glad you took close attention to all the details of my crop. That avatar is hot as hell! Maybe the rest of the plants will flower after the first one I see today.


Well-Known Member
Lordjim, your giving poor advice pull your fuckin head in (i read your other post,lordjim to the rescue!!!!). So brown roots are ok? and you dont need H202? if it gets to the stage of slime there is no fixing it.You should listen more instead of shooting your mouth off.
Ok ruddog listen to this clown if you want but even if you dont have root rot then the 35% min grade str every 4 days will keep the system clean prevent root browning/rot and add more O2 to the roots.But the 'lord' thinks its a bad idea.


Well-Known Member
Lordjim, your giving poor advice pull your fuckin head (i read your other post,lordjim to the rescue!!!!). So brown roots are ok? and you dont need H202? if it gets to the stage of slime there is no fixing it.You should listen more instead of shooting your mouth off.
Ok ruddog listen to this clown if you want but even if you dont have root rot then the 35% min grade str every 4 days will keep the system clean prevent root browning/rot and add more O2 to the roots.But the 'lord' thinks its a bad idea.
hey buds so if i run a 35% through it every 4 days when i do a res change how long should i run it for would just one or 2 hrs be enough or all day and also are we talking about 35%h2o2 65%water or are we talking about using 35% at the 1-2mls a litre it says on the bottle?


Well-Known Member
Lordjim, your giving poor advice pull your fuckin head in (i read your other post,lordjim to the rescue!!!!). So brown roots are ok? and you dont need H202? if it gets to the stage of slime there is no fixing it.You should listen more instead of shooting your mouth off.
Ok ruddog listen to this clown if you want but even if you dont have root rot then the 35% min grade str every 4 days will keep the system clean prevent root browning/rot and add more O2 to the roots.But the 'lord' thinks its a bad idea.
Yeah, you're the one giving bad advice, asshole. YES, sometimes brown roots are okay. What part of that do you not understand?

The dude said there's no slime on his roots, his solution is cool, and his plants look healthy. Why the fuck would he need to do an emergency food grade h202 treatment?

He can just get the 3% and use it to flush his res between water changes and he'll be fine.

It's a noob mistake to go running around like there's an emergency when there isn't.

And why the fuck should I listen to someone without any pix of anything they've grown, shit head? If your roots aren't bright white, then you have rot? Where did you read that from?

If you keep your res cool (under 70f), you have a healthy amount of oxygen, and your ph is in range, there is no need to do what this troll is recommending. You need only to throw like a bottle or two of the regular 3% in your flush water between water changes. And if you properly maintain your res as I have described above, you don't even have to do that.

Now I'm not saying the troll's information is completely bad, but it sounds like information the troll is reading out of a book. The food grade treatment is appropriate for severe situations where something is actually wrong, but my point is that rud3's plants are fine. Rud3 should just keep an eye on that browing, but if his res conditions are sound, he shouldn't worry too much. And I would bet a quick flush with a few bottles of the 3% is all he needs.


Well-Known Member
hey lordjin im not saying your advice is wrong but buds knows his shit his advice has never steered me wrong in the past in fact whenever i start a thread asking for help its always reassuring when i see his name pop up on a post.

plus i think he is giving virtually the same advice in saying that he should just flush with h2o2 in between res changes?
probably good advice even if you dont have root rot just to keep things clean etc.

anyways its none of my business but just think you shouldnt jump to conclusions that because he doesnt have pics up he doesnt know what hes doing. he may have his own reasons for not posting? maybe he's paranoid about posting his girls all over the internet... seems pretty smart really.


Well-Known Member
hey lordjin im not saying your advice is wrong but buds knows his shit his advice has never steered me wrong in the past in fact whenever i start a thread asking for help its always reassuring when i see his name pop up on a post.

plus i think he is giving virtually the same advice in saying that he should just flush with h2o2 in between res changes?
probably good advice even if you dont have root rot just to keep things clean etc.

anyways its none of my business but just think you shouldnt jump to conclusions that because he doesnt have pics up he doesnt know what hes doing. he may have his own reasons for not posting? maybe he's paranoid about posting his girls all over the internet... seems pretty smart really.
Fuck all that. If you're afraid to post your pix for any reason, stay off the internet altogether I say. Now that's the really smart thing to do.

He's either A) a paranoid illegal B) Someone who doesn't have any pix because he hasn't grown anything. Either way, it's not anyone I'd want advice from.


Well-Known Member
ok so to clear this up because i really want to know aswell what is the proper course of action. should we simply run a flush of h2o2 between res changes for about 2 hrs or so and at what %


Well-Known Member
i dont think its serious just yet. i have algae on the hydroton. some slight browning on the roots but i think there may be a slight smell in the res too which worries me. plants are healthy as though.


Well-Known Member
heres a pic this is the worst one. like i said probably no problem but i want to be sure

That's your worst one? I would be happy if my roots looked like yours.

I notice your nutrient solution is quite brown. A bit of staining from dark nute solutions like that is entirely normal and not an indication of rot.

Based on the way your roots look (great), if you keep it cool, oxygenated, in ph range and all that good stuff, a weekly flush (or whenever you change water) with just a regular ol' bottle of supermarket h202 would be more than adequate for you.... For maintenance reasons, not remedial reasons... since I don't see anything that needs a remedy.

Yeah, you don't have a problem.


Well-Known Member
yeah cool i have h2o2 50% i think when i do my changes im gonna flush with 2mls per litre in r/o water just sounds like a good thing to practice imo


Well-Known Member
yeah cool i have h2o2 50% i think when i do my changes im gonna flush with 2mls per litre in r/o water just sounds like a good thing to practice imo
holy shit, you have 50%? Don't get any on ya.

What you propose sounds good. You'll have success with that.


Well-Known Member
holy shit, you have 50%? Don't get any on ya.

What you propose sounds good. You'll have success with that.
lol made that mistake the very first day lol staring into my grow room thinking hmmm my fingers are tingling a bit and looked down to see they were bleached completely white lol


Well-Known Member
lol made that mistake the very first day lol staring into my grow room thinking hmmm my fingers are tingling a bit and looked down to see they were bleached completely white lol
Even the regular 3% will blister your skin white if you handle it for a few minutes. That 50% shit is downright dangerous. Remember to use very little.