Is this Root rot?


Active Member
There was a light leak for a couple days in the res, could that be root rot?
Exactly this plant look absolutely fine, good color leaves etc, nothing special...

no root rot visible.
light leaks dont cause root rot.
disease and anaerobic conditions do
consider a res conditioner if concerned, sm-90, zone etc work well
in hydro hydroton was loved and the best medium I ever worked with.
no root rot visible.
light leaks dont cause root rot.
disease and anaerobic conditions do
consider a res conditioner if concerned, sm-90, zone etc work well
in hydro hydroton was loved and the best medium I ever worked with.
Tnx. About this conditioner, doesn't small portion of h2o2 daily do same?
Heres soil a week into flowering ,6 different strains. Council called for an inspection so everything went into black bags for two days in the shed n they were riddled with defs but aye they bounced back thanks to soil
still some defs on the older leafs and some mivro defs due to doing nutes for each plant but it looks thing ill add is cobs crave Calmag
I don't think this is root rot. I have the same thing and it is caused by my nutes that are brown in color. If you girls look fine, don't fret.
those roots look healthy.

What RIU doesn't want to tell you is that root rot comes from unhealthy roots, not from bad things in the water. If the roots drown from lack of O2 or the plant gets a poor diet, the roots will become soft and die. This is the point the roots rot.
@AngryMexican things is looking fine. just remember if using h202 that it will kill all living bacteria good and bad. Ie Voodoo Juice etc.
Where have you got your water level set now the roots are out of the netpots? normally the level is set a few inches below at this stage.
Yesterday, when I posted new photos I did change res and increase nutrients to 1200 ppm (liq is brown)...
Today I checked the roots and they look absolutely diffenet! I dont know what to do I an in big panic!!!
Please tell me that is not root rot...

So here I am with a bottle of vodka waiting for you answers guys. Really stressed out!
Really appreciate for all kind of help!!!